Suvin's Electrolysis and Laser

I was in Singapore for a short trip in early 2016. It has bee about four weeks since my last electrolysis session and had some growth I needed taken care of. I did a web search and came across this place;

I called up and made an appointment.

Ms Suvin is a retired RN who now provides electrolysis to any part of the body, male or female and also IPL plus other beauty services. She uses a blend type machine that slowly ramps up the power so you are less likely to ‘Junp’ when power is applied. The types I’ve had used on me here in the US have the the ‘instant on’ type that jolt you with full power right off the bat. I much prefer Suvin’s type.

Her fees are about 40% cheaper to what I pay here in PA and she seem to be just as competent(or more) than the two electrologists I’ve used here in the US.

Highy recomended.