I have some questions about sunscreen use after E.
I use a very clean natural sunscreen which i like, however I’m noticing in the areas of my face where I had electrolysis recently on my sideburn area, and when I use sunscreen it seems to block the pores and I’m getting many many small blackheads in the area of the insertions.
My E, says not to use the sunscreen, she thinks it might just be irritating the area and making things worse by gucking up open pores, and healing skin. She also says that sunscreen it’s not necessary unless you’re in very strong sunlight, like at a beach. It’s true that it’s mainly overcast I’m not suntanning however there is still very strong daylight when outside, driving etc.
I wonder if having had E done if even just regular exposure to daylight without sunscreen could possibly create worse pigmenting issues? For how long after zapping is this an increased concern?
Is it better to use sunscreen and deal with getting blackheads or possibly affect healing of the areas so recently zapped ? Or while zapped areas are still in healing mode ,skip the sunscreen ,when in normal daily activities, but face the possibility of more pigmentation ? I would really love some clarification on this!
Also for the first time in about a year and a half , and since my commitment to E and LHR, I will soon be in much greater sunlight as we have a tropical vacation planned with much sea and sun. I am quite nervous about how my skin,especially my face will react post lhr and Elctrys. Any advice most appreciated!