After attending a melanoma symposium update this last Saturday, I would vote no for tanning.
There is no such thing as a safe tan and DNA damage occurs even if you don’t get a sunburn.
Melanoma is the deadliest kind of skin cancer and has been rising steadily for the past 30 years.
Tanning beds or sun at the beach, it is not safe. This is a very sneaky and gross cancer to get. What patients have to go through is tough if it is not discovered early and cut out with clean margins. The good news is, the immune therapies and the targeted therapies are showing great results over the conventional chemotherapy of years past. People are living longer.
Don’t stress your immune system with tanning. You need every bit of a healthy immune system so your body can fight " invaders". There are some dermatological skin problems where light therapy is prescribed, but yours isn’t one of those.
Spray tanning, for now, is a much safer and equally economical alternative. I would cover my mouth and nose because they don’t know if the chemicals can cause harm.
Have you thought of electrolysis (permanent removal) or laser reduction (permanent reduction) so you don’t have fool around with temporary methods that irritate your skin?
Many electrologists keep something like this for reference in their offices . We are in a unique position, with our magnification, to see spots that look suspicious.