I’ve become a sugar paste (hand method) lover after starting to make my own batches as well as performing my own hair removal jobs after a couple TERRIBLE professional hot wax jobs.
The normal recipe I used is 1/4 lemon juice, 1/4 water, and 2 cups sugar.
Well, one day I wanted to cut the recipe in half to make a smaller batch. Out of fatigue or inattentiveness, I made a batch consisting of the recipe 1/4 lemon juice, 1/4 water, and 1 cup of sugar (i failed to cut the liquids original measurements in half). This recipe takes longer to cook than the original and must be cooked until it reaches about 260~270 degrees fahrenheit; sorry i didn’t record the exact temperature as i thought this was a failed batch since it was still too sticky at the normal 250 degrees the original recipe calls for although it was a good amber color. anyhow, it will be a DEEP amber color (almost black) when finished. after it cools down completely, heat it up in the microwave for 10~15 seconds (normally this is too long for the original recipe but works perfect with this one). this recipe works perfect for stubborn hairs such as under arms and brazilian/bikini (yes, i do my own brazilian).
anyhow, enjoy!