SUCCESS STORY -- 3 Years after treatment

Someone posted this on another forum. Just passing along another success story:

This link comes up as a blocked URL for me??


hmm. works fine for me…

worked fine for me too. Dee, do you have some sort of program that blocks porno? Because the success story is about a man who had laser hair removal on his pubic area and pictures showing his pubic area are included in the link.

This guy is very fair and has very dark hair and it still took a bunch of treatments so its not as impressive as you would hope. Still, we have such few personal websites of peoples’ results (most pics are on pages owned by laser clinics) that this is a good trend.

Thanks for your feedback. I don’t know what the problem is here, but I was able to access it on cosmetic enhancements forum just fine. Computers are more of a mystery to me than hair.


This guy is very fair and has very dark hair and it still took a bunch of treatments so its not as impressive as you would hope. Still, we have such few personal websites of peoples’ results (most pics are on pages owned by laser clinics) that this is a good trend.

But it shows that laser does work, and there are long term results. It’s no secret that laser works best on dark hair and light skin.


i’m having really good results on my face. i only had 2 treatments on my cheeks/sideburns and there are only a few really dark hairs left. my chin/neck has had 3 treatments because the hair was so thick and dark there and so far it’s looking really good. i find laser has worked best for me when i let hair grow in… it needs the pigment after all. so it’s great when the hair is pretty thick and the laser zaps them all… i’ve been virtually hair free for months at a time.

he said it took 8 treatments (which is on the low end of things, as it’s always said that you need AT LEAST 6-8 treatments) and yes, laser works best on light skin and dark hair. i’m not sure what your point is. this is a great example of exactly how laser hair removal works, and lasts. my results are pretty much very similar to this guy. i would say my hair was even a bit more dense and coarse than his to start with.

I am the person who created that site. I just joined this forum today; just wanted to say hi and can answer any questions. Also to set the record straight, I had 3 YAG and 5 LightSheer treatments, a total of 8 (but only had photos for the LightSheer sequence). I’ve changed the site to hopefully make this clearer.

thanks toras. glad you can contribute!