student electrolysis/Vineyard in Livermore, CA?

I saw on Yelp that Vineyard in Livermore, CA offers student electrolysis. Has anyone tried them, or does anyone know anything about it?

Sorry that this isn’t about the post, but as far as your signature, why did you stop the uni-brow treatment?

Also how is the nipple treatment? Is it painful? Did they get most of it after only one appointment?


EDIT: Sorry, You can IM me if this isn’t something you want to openly discuss. Thanks

I’m sorry, I know nothing about them or the Livermore area. I don’t know where you live exactly, but if you can do a drive to Long Beach, there is a school there that LAgirl mentioned. It’s like five hours from Livermore, but on the off chance that you don’t live in Livermore, then it may be only a couple of hours.

American Institute of Education (AIE), the school in Long Beach, moved. It’s now in Santa Ana, Orange County.

Oooooh, that’s the one I go to! Are you sure it’s the same? LAgirl just mentioned it to me to try the other day (although she lives in NY, so now that I think about it, she prolly didn’t know they moved).

Thanks Bryce!!

bb8900: I stopped treatments on my brows because the electrologist ignored my directions and took too much, leaving me with a bad shape. Nipples actually don’t hurt so much as there’s a lot of fat there. They can remove all the long coarse hairs in about 5 minutes.

I emailed Diane Edgemon at Vineyard and she said that they don’t have student services. Too bad, I was getting my hopes up. I live to far to drive to Santa Ana.

Hi, Candela I had treatment at the Vineyard with the elerctrologist and the student, I was not impressed. The actual electrologist is not very good at removing the hair, i felt she was plucking alot!!! and the student was really bad, I had red marks on my thighs for months… If I were you I would pay a visit to a more experienced person. By the way where do you live in the Bay Area?

Hi, ElectroJodie.In regards to your post, the owner told me that the student was intermediate. They had beginners, intermediate, and advanced students there.So I thought the intermediate student would be somewhat knowledgable on removing the hair, and the teacher would pitch in and give her feedback on what can be improved. I had a three hour session with the student and only once the teacher came in!!! As for the price it wasn’t cheap.

For intermediate students, the teacher will only pop her head in every so often. I’ve had beginning work with two visits from a teacher over the course of an hour, and advanced student work with no teacher anywhere near us at all. If you felt concerns about the plucking, you should have told her every time you felt a pluck, it’s how they learn.

I’m lucky and have been pleased with all my student work so far. You say it’s not cheap, how much was it per hour? Beginning students charge $5 per hour down here, and senior students are $20 per hour. Very cheap.

Because I went to school after already having had an internship, and other training, my teacher almost never looked in on my work. I ended up being an unpaid teacher’s assistant. She even had me looking in on other students. Anyone getting work done by me at my school would be all alone with me in our cubical for the whole treatment.

Thanks for letting me know Roma. I’m in SF.