Hello. I have been getting electrolysis for 9 months. I split my time between NorCal and SoCal about 70/30 so I have a stable electrologist I see in the Bay Area and I have experimented with a few different ones in OC.
My electrologist in the Bay Area is amazing, she uses blend. Flawless work and my skin always looks perfectly fine the next day. I love her and trust her so much. The only issue is she works slowly, I know blend is slower but even then I believe she tends towards working slow. She talks a lot during the sessions (on my face) and even stops during sessions to make eye contact with me when telling a story. It’s a bit frustrating because my money is tight and I want every penny to matter. I feel we reach slow progress because of this.
I have tried to find an electrologist in OC (they all use thermolysis) to help me with my face and begin my arms. Unfortunately all that I have been to have made me uncomfortable during the sessions because of the sensation. I currently have chosen one but about 20% of the time I experience either pulling, crackling noises, hot needle, and have seen my skin white an hour after (blanching??) which turned into scabs larger than I am comfortable with. The problem is she is more budget friendly, don’t talk, and efficient during the sessions. However mentally I cannot relax during sessions and think about every insertion causing damage.
This is weighing heavy on my heart. I am 9 months in and seeing good progress but I just want my money to be spent as efficiently as possible. I already dealt with paradoxical growth from laser and I can’t help but get into a mental rut about this :(( . Seeking advice, thank you.