Struggles with electrologist

Hello. I have been getting electrolysis for 9 months. I split my time between NorCal and SoCal about 70/30 so I have a stable electrologist I see in the Bay Area and I have experimented with a few different ones in OC.

My electrologist in the Bay Area is amazing, she uses blend. Flawless work and my skin always looks perfectly fine the next day. I love her and trust her so much. The only issue is she works slowly, I know blend is slower but even then I believe she tends towards working slow. She talks a lot during the sessions (on my face) and even stops during sessions to make eye contact with me when telling a story. It’s a bit frustrating because my money is tight and I want every penny to matter. I feel we reach slow progress because of this.

I have tried to find an electrologist in OC (they all use thermolysis) to help me with my face and begin my arms. Unfortunately all that I have been to have made me uncomfortable during the sessions because of the sensation. I currently have chosen one but about 20% of the time I experience either pulling, crackling noises, hot needle, and have seen my skin white an hour after (blanching??) which turned into scabs larger than I am comfortable with. The problem is she is more budget friendly, don’t talk, and efficient during the sessions. However mentally I cannot relax during sessions and think about every insertion causing damage.

This is weighing heavy on my heart. I am 9 months in and seeing good progress but I just want my money to be spent as efficiently as possible. I already dealt with paradoxical growth from laser and I can’t help but get into a mental rut about this :(( . Seeking advice, thank you.

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I have similar frustrations. I have been going to someone who does thermolysis, but my skin was constantly looking scabbed, and I felt the insertions were not deep enough. And, they seemed to never see the hairs around my chin or underarms that were bothering me. I did hear the crackling noises, but think that is normal. And, she will do an all day session.

I just started going much farther away to someone who does pure multi-needle galvanic. She is much, much slower due to the process itself. But I feel the treatment is better and more permanent, and there is no sound. And, they seem to treat a lot more hairs that the other person was not seeing. Though my skin still takes a long time to heal, I feel the way it heal is much better with the galvanic. However, it is also the most painful treatment I’ve ever had. They use very old needles, and I don’t know if that is the reason, or if it is because it is pure galvanic. Yet, because I think it is more effective and less damaging, I’m dealing with it. And, she will do 2-day all day sessions.

Then there’s another person much closer. They only were able to get maybe 20- hairs in an hour treatment, yet I did not see any damage like I have with several others, and I felt their insertion was painless and the treatment flawless. But, the cost is so much higher since they are so very slow and I feel I would never get done because they won’t do more than 1-2 hours a week.

As for the talking, the issue I’m having with the new person is that they constantly get phone calls they take for people wanting appointments. But, doing multi-needle galvanic is a completely different ball-game because there is wait time between insertions. Still, I don’t like it. But how do you tell someone how to run their business? I don’t think it seriously impacts her time on me, but I don’t like it when she talks on the phone and while inserting the needles.

I can’t bring myself to do it, but I wish we felt we could have a frank conversation with our electrologists. It is scary. I know. But the person I’m seeing now has a TV, and I find we talk a LOT less because the TV is on. She has also said I can bring headphones if I want to listen to something else. I think you owe it to yourself to tell your electrologist that you need to talk about a concern you have, and tell her you’d like to use headphones to help both of you, or whatever you want to say. You could even tell her you are in a class and need to listen to podcasts or something, if that would be better for you. I don’t know. I do know how you feel.

I seriously wish when they get their license that this would be brought up. This is way too much money for us not to get the best speed and attention we deserve.

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I truly appreciate your message thank you <3 it’s super validating to hear I’m not the only one experiencing this back and forth because it’s very frustrating at times.

You’re so lucky to find people willing to do 2-day or all-day sessions because at most all I can get is an hour which really makes the time lost sting all the more.

However your suggestion about listening to podcasts or class lecture is actually GENIUS!!Thank you ! I had never thought about it but it makes perfect sense and wouldn’t come off rude which was my fear. I don’t have the heart to tell her to stop telling me her stories because at this point I consider my blend electrologist as a friend.

Also, I agree that I would rather be stuck with slower treatment and less damage than the inverse. I wish you lots of luck and hope that your treatment and efficiency improves :slight_smile:

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I have to drive hours away for any electrolysis. The closest is an hour away, and that is the one I just found that is very, very slow and I could only get a couple hours every couple weeks. That’s just not going to work. I would be going the rest of my life.

The one I go to now is about a 4.5-hour drive. So, I camp overnight before and during the 2 days. Makes me feel like I am on vacation. It’s a long drive, but I figure going back and forth to others that are 2-3 hours away is a lot of money on gas and car maintenance, too. Plus, a couple of those only do the face. It’s worth it to me at this time to do the drive and overnight. None of it’s fast enough for me, but for the first time in my adult life, I’m not looking in the mirror several times a day to pluck hairs and not shaving my legs and arms every single night (even while camping) to keep from feeling gross. And, my skin feels smoother than ever before since I was 10.

Most people I know think that I’m crazy for spending money like this, but they can’t understand how stiff and pokey my hair was, and how many problems it has created for me with rashes, ingrowns, skin abrasions, embarrassment, and insecurity.

Good luck to you!

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This is why I love Hairtell. After being here for 23 years, the consumer is still the best teacher. For those that perform electrolysis, it is very important to listen to the consumer’s experience, in order to learn and tweak what one does as a practitioner.

Clients freak out about scabbing, slowness and interruptions (phone and too much talking) as they should. They want value for their money and that means removing as much hair as possible, with care and confidence in the allotted time.

Electrolysis is not a waste of money. It is permanent, unlike many other services. It does not have to be slow. Twenty hairs in one hour is unacceptable though, but if that is her way of doing it and the customer agrees to pay, then it is all good between them.

All modalities work. If there is slight scabbing, with pinpoint size scabs, you are not damaged. Big, interconnecting scabs? Yes, that’s a no-no. Redness and swelling should be accepted and tolerated for 1-7 days. Some people look darn good within minutes, too. We are all different.

Sizzling sound means the intensity is too high and the energy level needs to be adjusted. Insertions should be perfect and if the energy levels are in correct alignment, the hair should slide out and the skin surface should look like nothing happened. Thermolysis, performed correctly, does not equal scabbing, sizzling and skin damage. The practitioner needs to correct something if this is happening. Thermolysis is my chosen method because I can clear bothersome hairs much quicker and yes, thermolysis is just as permanent as blend and galvanic. The client can leave with much satisfaction if a good amount of hairs are removed. I have high respect for blend and galvanic, but they are slower than thermolysis. That is not a criticism, but a truth due to how they work to disable hair follicles.

Performing electrolysis correctly, no matter what the modality, is actually more difficult to master well. It takes a good training program, proper equipment and a skilled practitioner that cares a lot about the principles of good care and outcome.


As an Electrologist I’m more than a little appalled at the answering of the phone and pausing for conversation. It’s not professional, in my opinion, in the slightest. I’m also thinking how I would receive this critique if I were acting in this way. For the conversation, I think simply either stating you’re going to use your time to relax and meditate to help with the stress of the treatment is a great way to let your Electrologist know you’re not up for convo. Also, putting in earbuds and letting them know you’ll be listening to your book or whatever can be a great way to avoid conversation during treatment.
As for the thermolysis treatment, everything Dee said is spot on. I would continue to try and find someone you’re more comfortable with. I would guess in that area there would be many qualified practitioners, but I don’t know being on the opposite coast. Also, it could benefit you to maybe just voice your concerns as questions. “Why do you think my skin reacts so differently/poorly with your treatments vs. others?”
I wish you luck!


I want to stay connected and hear about your progress and eventual completion of your electrolysis journey! I have resonated with you so much! I truly feel less alone knowing you are out there going through the same. Don’t forget about hairtell so I can tell you when I am finished too!

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