Hey everyone! I didn’t really know where to put this topic, I hope some people see it.
I have seen stress cited as a reason for excess hairgrowth. Has anyone experienced this as a result of stress? About a year ago I started becoming extremely hairy, so of course I panicked and did several medical tests. I had my hormones tested and they were normal. I had ultrasounds and have no problems with my ovaries. I lead a healthy lifestyle (food, no smoking or drinking) and am not overweight at all. BUT I have been under alot of stress for the past few years, and it is the only thing I can think of that would be causing this. Is there any one out there who has experienced this, or know why it could be, or could shed some light on this? Thank you!
The reading I did said that women who are under constant stress for a period exceeding 2 weeks can have new hair growth as a side effect.
Oh wow - def. another reason to learn to de-stress and do yoga or something.
I have always wondered if my hariness comes from mother having been stressed for the entire nine months of her pregnancy and manically praying for a boy.
oh But how can one deal with stress? I mean, what should I do to make it appear less.
I think the notion of “stress” should be qualified. Is this the stress of raising a young child (and husband), or the stress of living in a Nazi death camp? Normal every-day stress, or epic stress?
A quick web search also reveals that stress can cause hair loss as well as “hair growth.” Yeah, I did read all the “hormone related” issues about stress: interesting.
So, does this “stress” only affect women? Why not men? Men are the real “hair growers.” Are women more “stressful” than men? Is this the old “hysteria” thing about women? (You do know the historical root of “hysterectomy,” right?)
Then of course, this stress thing can set up a “vicious circle”: a woman has hair, thinks it was caused by stress, and therefore gets MORE stress worrying about the, well, STRESS.
Here’s the thing: medical notions are often culture-based. Women are put into a near impossible category of “perfection” and what is “normal.” Any deviation from this “norm” and we try to find a medical reason for it. I am thinking about PCOS here again, and our fascination with trying to “medicalize” every issue that a normal healthy woman presents.
Frankly, I don’t like what is DONE to women in Western society. Every week, Dr. Chapple sees several young women who think they have an abnormality because they have “small breasts.” So, how many breast implants have been done worldwide? Yeah, in the mega-millions! Is this a health risk for women? Dr. Chapple thinks, “There is no truly safe breast implant!”
I don’t know who these “breasts” are for, but I don’t see many men getting “implants” here and there to modify their “abnormalities.” We have to realize that, indeed, medical decisions can be, and often are, culture based … oh, and dominated by MALE thinking!
I adore the woman who grew-out her “beard.” See, humans grow hair. Males usually have more than women; but the average normal healthy woman has hair too. Sure, zap it off if you want to … it’s all good. But if you have hair, you are NOT weird and probably do not have a medical condition.
About the STRESS? Well, for most of you reading this long post (again) … I wouldn’t “STRESS IT!” Just “chill out” and do your laser or electrolysis and be happy you aren’t living in a country that has starvation or war. (Half of our brothers and sisters ARE. And THEY have real STRESS; not you.)
I like women … all of them: fat ones, skinny ones, ones with tiny boobs or big boobs, old ones and young ones. I hope, some day, that women start truly LOVING themselves just as they are … naturally! I do!
Part of my library is the book “MALEpractice: how doctors manipulate women,” by Dr. Robert S. Mendelssohn. It was written some years ago but still worth reading. I think this is a “must read” for every woman.
Point: medical decisions do not exist in a cultural vacuum.
Couldnt agree more! It is so sad really. i know a beautiful young woman who has a gorgeous ,super fit body that most people would kill for but she deemed herself too flat-chested and now has implants. First she did lasik so she wouldn’t need to wear glasses anymore, and then after that went well ,she got breast implants . Of course she lives in LA which seems to the rest of us to be the fantasy land where you can buy your way out of any " impairments" . She is a high-level athlete and it just saddens me to the core when she chose to do go for plastic boobs… Sometimes I think we live in an F -d up world.
Im curious what Dr. Chapel feels are the unspoken consequences of implants?
(I was going to post a photo of Audrey Hepburn … but, once again, Photobucket has changed the “rules” and I don’t feel like fiddling for the next 30-minutes to re-learn what the “geeks” think is important. Anyway, we all know what Audrey looked like?)
I think Hairtell SHOULD offer DIRECT uploads. We would get WAY more photos and all of this would be interesting and beneficial. It’s a gigantic nuisance to have to navigate Photobucket or other constantly-changing websites just to post a photo.
Back to the dialogue …
Can you imagine Audrey Hepburn with BIG silly “Dolly Parton” boobs? No elegance, style and all that was naturally HER! I don’t know why a woman would want to look like a cartoon anyway: but too many look just like that! A cartoon.
A simple search on the internet will reveal all the health risks associated with implants. The latest scandal involved, finally, the arrest of the former owner of PIP implants (France). It’s estimated that between 300,000 and 500,000 women have had the PIP implants. The manufacturer, to save money, filled them with INDUSTRIAL grade silicone (not medical), and they tend to rupture (if I remember about 30% at this point). The French government (medical) is now paying for French women to have these removed/replaced. (These were never approved for the US market.)
Another plastic surgeon in Santa Barbara has earned the name (by other physicians) as the “boob guy.” Here’s what he does: A woman wants a breast implant and they decide on the size. THEN, he simply puts in the next bigger size … without the patient knowing about it! He says: Well, “THESE women” will eventually want the bigger size anyway … and besides I like the bigger size! Does this seem right to you?
I don’t think that your boobs should “enter the room” before you do!
Her new boobs look like a reasonable size , they are not " big" , and knowing her she did her research to find the"healthiest" implants and best doctor in LA. Still it saddens me and makes my stomach turn just knowing that these forgien objects are INSIDE one’s body ! creeps me out !