Still having doubts

Hi, everyone!

I´m a guy from Madrid, Spain. Beginning my thirties. Not hairy as a bear, but getting more while aging.

I´m about to begin with electrolysis in a well known place which I´ve read good reviews of.

I´m a little worried because four years ago, I got lasered in my low beard area. First three sessions went good; hair decreasing in size and numbers. The fourth session went entirely different and new hair grew in adjacent areas I wasn´t getting zapped. I just stopped the treatment and made some research, finding a rare but weird issue named “paradoxical hypertrichosis” some people suffered. Specially people with dark skin type (Fitzpatrick IV) an mediterranean or middle east origins. I have to say I´m actually from a mediterranean country, but I would say the most people here aren´t as dark as north african, southern italians, turkish or greeks. In any case, I´m not that dark. I have fair skin (fitzpatrick scale…mmm II-III), green eyes and my beard is brown at the sideburns, low strip (neck) and cheeks and red/blond at the goatee.

I didn´t fit into the category the guys who suffered paradoxical hypertrichosis belong. So, why me? I didn´t have any answer and it seems dermatologist have not the answer either

Right now, I want to get rid the hairs that were under treatment at the very beginning and the new hair.

My concern, my question, my doubt…Is there any chance of suffering AGAIN that paradoxical hypertrichosis going under electrolysis treatment? Is it a known electrolysis issue too? Has anyone experienced something like that?

I hope you can answer that. Thanks in advance.

P.S: I apologize for my english level. Never took lessons…all I know is from Internet, movies, series, etc

You will not suffer excess hair growth as a result of electrolysis.

Spaniard, your english is just fine. Hair stimulating after LASER is not only an issue with people of color, but it can happen to people with very little color, too. I remember a client of mine (with very white skin) who had her chin and sideburns lased and hair begain growing a few months later all over her neck which wasn’t a problem to begin with.

This website has a plethora of cases of people who have experienced LASER hair stimulation. It use to be referred to as rare, but it happens more often than we care to think given all the accounts we have heard about over the last ten years. I can’t give you any percentages of laser induced hair stimulation cases because I don’t know if this has been studied well? LASER is very helpful for certain areas on women and men, but other areas can be risky. We advise people not to gamble with risky areas unless they have deep pockets and are willing to dive into an ambitious electrolysis schedule to correct the new increased hair growth.

Electrolysis can “see” and eliminate any color and structure of hair. LASER does have it’s limitations. Electrolysis WILL NOT cause hair to become thicker and it will not cause hair to be stimulated in adjacent areas. If anything, electrolysis will either eliminate the hair for good or it will break the thick hair down to a smaller size hair. In that case, a second or third pass/treatment is needed. Most hairs can be totally eliminated in one pass/treatment, but some hair germ cells may be missed and thus comes the need to get that same but thinner hair in the next hair growth cycle.

Go to a recommended highly skilled electrologist. If she/he uses the best tools of the profession with skill, even better.


Thank you, Emily and Dee.

Happy to read you. First, because I´m able to be understood in other language than mine (I hope I could keep improving my English)

Second, because I´m far from being a desperate case of laser inducted hair growth, and knowing the great stuff you use to write is quite helpful to avoid bad practices and practicioners. So, I have reasons to smile. I don´t have a deep pocket, but I´m confortable and I don´t have family burdens, bank debts, etc…but of course I wouldn´t like to jeopardyze mi hard-earned money and wasting it and my time (the most valuable thing for me)and my skin health

Third, because I´ve got in contact with an skilled electrologyst by this site who despite we living in the same country, works hundred miles from me… but she knows who to head me to. After seeing her good work in Youtube, I know what she told me is reliable information.

Fourth, because you were very helpful, I´ll make a donation supporting this site. Does anyone know how to?

Well, thank you again.

P.S: if anyone, anytime, needs to translate something to spanish, please, let me know. I´m way better trasnslating english to spanish than the other way. Talking serious, guys.

Laser can induce more growth if used on an area with finer hair or sparse hair. Laser should only be done on spots with dense coarse growth.

Electrolysis treats hair one by one and doesn’t touch anything else. So there is no risk of induced growth at all.

La única manera de hacer aumentar el grosor y la profundidad de un pelo con la Electrolysis, es aplicando corriente en el tejido interfolicular. La reparación del tejido dañado beneficiaría al folículo cercano. Es un daño colateral producido por manos incompetentes. En estos casos se suele producir un efecto secundario, los pelos encarnados.

Sabrás cuando esto ocurre si notas un pinchazo al entrar la aguja, un ligero dolor al aplicar la corriente y un fuerte tirón al extraer el pelo.

Bienvenido Spaniard!!

In English:

The only way to increase the thickness and depth of a hair with Electrolysis is applying power in the interfollicular tissue. The repair of damaged tissue would benefit the nearby follicle. This is collateral damage caused by incompetent hands. In these cases usually produce a side effect, ingrown hairs.

You’ll know when this happens if you notice upon entering a puncture needle, a slight pain when the current is applied and a strong pull to remove the hair.

Spaniard Welcome!

It is possible that these fine hairs are other hairs that are in the area and have invested more time to appear?

The regrowth in the treated follicle occurs when part of the germinal zone has not been destroyed.
Increased energy makes the process faster, but does not necessarily make it more effective.

Got it, friends.

Well performed electrolysis = no risk of getting more hair

Josefa, I´ll check tomorrow the place you mentioned to me. If I start the treatment, I´ll write a journal updating it after every session I´ll get. Of course I´ll ask them everything that comes to my mind; machine model, settings used, needle types, scheduling, etc


Is this found to occur more with coarser hair (like male cheek hair) or all types? The reason I ask is because I’m noticing this on my cheeks and on my unibrow with finer hairs growing where the previously coarse hairs were. Does using a larger probe or more energy more effectively “kill” the coarser hair in the first pass? [/quote]

You can kill a hair with the first pass and it does have to do with sufficient energy and timing, as large as probe size as one can use, an accurate insertion and it is always desirable to have moisture in the anagen follicle, though hair follicles can be damaged technically in any stage of growth. I talk to my clients about the BREAKING DOWN PROCESS at out first consultaton so they understand that those man size cheek hairs can be zapped and permanently eliminated in one treatment or they may need to be zapped and re-treated IF there is regrowth. the good news is, that same hair will be thinner though and usually that’s it for that hair follicle - it can never come back again. Some hairs may need a third zap, but by that time, the hair is a very miniature version of the original “cable wire size” hair we started out with. This is another reason why electrolysis can not possibly be finished before nine to 18 months. This is one of many factors that are completely out of the electrologist’s and clients control.

Question for Josefa : Has your statement about hair stimulation by electrlolysis been proven or is this an hypothesis or educated guess?

Well Dee, hair stimulation near a wound that lasts for a few months is a proven fact that we can not deny.

Therefore it is an hipothesis based on facts established that if the damaged tissue is part of the area surrounding the hair follicle and not the follicle same, this will be supercharged.

If we consider that a poor technique (for the same bad hands) will require years and years of electrolysis, skin irritation and injuries occur for a long time and the area will be supercharged, a perfect cocktail for the happy hair.

                                                                                                                        Moreover, we can not stimulate an organ that has ceased to exist. You know that if the damage reaches all the germinative zone, the follicle disappears and with it any possibility of stimulation.

I can not prove this hypothesis without the help of a skin biopsy, but what I can show is that in an area that has been subjected to electrolysis is a change in the dynamics of the cycle that affects the follicles “intact” . This will be a pleasure for me to post here when I meet all the tests.

Kind regards


Have you ever thought about running a study colaborating with academical authorities? Maybe some PhD students could be interested in (if so, be sure they don´t get all the credit)

Estimado compatriota, en la mitad de los años 90 mi equipo y yo llevamos a cabo un estudio clínico con el objeto de determinar el porcentaje de resultados obtenidos con la Electrolysis.

Para ello tuvimos la suerte de contar con el patrocinio de uno de los fabricantes de aparatos más punteros del sector en España (Sorisa internacional) y exceptuando el envío puntual de informes trimestrales a la entonces directora del departamento de investigación, la Dra. Cruz Domingo Soriano, ellos jamás interfirieron en nuestra labor.
Los datos obtenidos en aquel estudio arrojaron cifras que a día de hoy, ningún otro sistema ha podido superar (incluyendo el mejor de los láseres) : el 73, 2 % de eliminación tras el primer aclaramiento, el 93% tras el segundo y el 99,9 % tras el tercer y último aclaramiento.

Desgraciadamente, la mayoría de mis colegas españoles calificaron aquellos resultados de “ciencia ficción” y, a pesar de que conservaron una copia del estudio publicado, muy pocos se molestaron en averiguar porqué esos resultados no eran comunes para todos los electrólogos.

Paradójicamente, al otro lado del mundo y coincidiendo casi por las mismas fechas, un electrólogo californiano publicaba uno de los mejores libros escritos sobre el tema: “The Blend method”. Lo extraordinario de este hecho es que el autor afirma obtener exactamente los mismos resultados, respetando un protocolo idéntico y aportando pruebas gráficas de tal similitud que se te ponen los pelos de punta.

Desafortunadamente, nuestras expectativas de cambiar la visión negativa que la gran mayoría de los consumidores tienen de la Electrolysis, no se cumplieron. En cambio, nos resignamos con despertar en las nuevas generaciones de estudiantes españoles un poco de motivación.

(Nuestro estudio está publicado en el libro de texto que se utiliza en los institutos españoles de enseñanza pública, “Depilación” por el Dr.Marc Corral Baqués -quien, por cierto, se ha ofrecido para conducir el próximo estudio sobre la Electrolysis- pero…¿a quién interesaría?

Un cordial saludo y mucha suerte mañana.

Si mi recomendación es satisfactoria para tí, tal vez podríamos incluir el sitio en la lista de "cómo encontrar electrólogos en su área? :wink:

Of course I´ll write down everything I could observe in order to be a good guidance for further consumers. It´s sad being looking for information that never comes, nobody knows and eventually, you have to take poor treatmens based on that lack of information.

It was about time that we, spaniards, could share information without having the feeling of living on a desert…for God´s sake, we do live in a highly developed country EU member and I, living in the capital and main city of the country, have had such problems to get useful tips, reliable information, etc…

Fortunately, here you are, a mainly english speaking people forum to show me the way.

Thanks again.

P.S: Josefa, the begining of the treatment was re-scheduled until the next monday morning. I´ll let you know what my impressions are.