Hey everyone!
I started LHR with the Candela GentleLASE around August 2014. I just finished my 9th session, however, I am NOT seeing the results that I want! I’m really disappointed.
90% of the hair sheds within 7-8 days after the treatment. After 6 weeks, the hair all grows back. I’ve noticed that the hair is thinner than before, but it’s still pretty much all there. And when I shave, I can still see the stubble on my underarms.
I’m an asian with very fair skin and dark hair.
Here is a picture of the settings that I snapped:
I believe the settings are quite low? According to this document: http://www.laserpartnersok.com/uploads/GLP_Treatment_Guidelines.pdf
I barely feel any discomfort during the sessions. I always hear of people claiming that it hurts, or they smell the scent of the hair burning. Honestly, I feel only a slight twinge.
I’ve spoken to the technician before and she kept saying I probably only need 2 more sessions, and that she’s already seeing a reduction. This discussion did not prompt her to up the settings though… :mad:
Can someone help me shed some light on my situation?
Thanks so much.