Also, For TON, I’m looking at parts of that video and I’d like to point out some problems with what the girl is saying:
1 ) a laser that targets “proteins” , would be having an effect on the entire skins surface, because its ALL proteins. Laser is a LIGHT energy and reacts with pigment, how do you suppose they convine the light energy to now affect very specific proteins in an area? Hint, they DONT! This scam is very old. Look at the Elos ME which purports to use thermolysis that is “attracted” to the hair follicle, the only problem is, the science DOESNT WORK!
The “expert” presenting this information herself says “I dont know how long it will last” how can this be credible?None of these new fangled "attracted to the preheated follicle, attracted to certain proteins, whatever the shaky science de jour is, have shown to have any effect on hair growth in use and study. NONE OF THEM! they are the “elctronic tweezer” of 2017, and a complete fraud.Electrolysis ont he other hand has a proven track record of success for over 130 years! Who are you going to trust your face treatment to, the established professional who’s been showing success for 40 years, or the new guy doing laser treatments out the back boot of his car down on the corner? I know who I would choose.