I have been an electrologists for over 10 years and before that I was a dental assistant for 10 years.
In December, I was told my prestige 2100 is NOT suitable to sterilize CRITICAL instruments/implements any longer.
I was told if any instruments/implements come into contact with body fluids like blood, I need to dispose of in garbage.
I was sitting down thankfully!
I have 2 Prestige 2100. I love their size, the speed of sterilization process and their control services. After I use my implements I put into an ultrasonic cleaner, then dry, then I put implements unbagged into my Prestige 2100 get the sterilizing cycle going then I put gloves on, put each implements in individual bags and go through process of sterilization again. Overkill, I know…better be safe then sorry…but I was told that is not enough. I have purchased disposable tweezers for those pesky ingrown hairs that cannot be removed solely using an hypodermic needle or lancet…they are cheap enough that I don’t mind throwing them out as much as I did my $50 tweezers!
I contacted the Prestige 2100 manufacturer and they assure me their device is a steriliser thus is meant for critical sterilization.
Many of my colleagues use Accel HLD5 in their clinics for critical sterilization but I am reluctant to use liquid sterilization as I am a bit old school and I think sterilizing and bagging implements is the best way to keep control…I like showing my potential clients/patients that each items is individually sterilized and package for them. For people who use the ACCEL HLD5 how do you secure your instruments after the sterilization process? Do you bag them?
If you live in Canada, what has been requested from you lately from your health inspector?