Stereo Microscope

Here’s a look at how my light and machine are mounted. Perhaps, Dee, you might get a table mount bracket, install a “pole” and put the scope in the mount (as you see my lamp installed). My lamp is super easy to adjust everywhere and stays put.

Getting all the various stands and service equipment off the floor renders your working space so much easier to navigate.

I like your light setup very much, Mike.

James, that missionary stand was not the stand I was going to purchase. That was a demo stand. The stand I wanted looked like this:
That is the OSM 99 stand.

I do remember you saying that I probably needed a 150 mm objective lens, but the rep didn’t have one for me to try, so I will never know. The armature moved in all directions, but not easily. Over all, too many impediments, with a few great moments of actually seeing super well.

With the 125 mm objective lens and the five levels to choose from, here are the magnification levels:
0.4 = 6.8 x (closer to what I already have)
0.6 = 10.2 x (loved this level)
1.0 = 17 x (this was awesome)
1.6 = 27.2 x (really not needed)
2.5 = 42.5 x ( crazy cool, but not necessary for what we do, in my opinion)

The 200 mmm mag levels are as follows:
0.4 = 4.25x
0.6 = 6.375 x
1.0 = 10.63
1.6 = 17 x
2.5 = 26.56 x

Hey, Seana, no rum in the cabinets, but there is 70% alcohol there.

These are the bases I like and the elbow armature I spoke of.

I like the round one best.

How come the larger 200mm objective lens has less magnification power than 125mm? And don’t larger objective lenses create greater range in working distance/focal length? If your work table had more height adjustment, could you have made the 200mm lens work out for you?


The problem wouldn’t be not having enough working room, it would be having too much. A person’s arms are only so long, and having them at a comfortable working distance is important to ergonomics.


Fenix asked, "How come the larger 200mm objective lens has less magnification power than 125mm? And don’t larger objective lenses create greater range in working distance/focal length? If your work table had more height adjustment, could you have made the 200mm lens work out for you? "

Because 200mm is farther away than 125mm. There is a math formula for calculating lens distance.

If my arms were longer, I could probably do fine with a 200 mm lens. Gynecologists use 300-400mm. Spine surgeons probably need the same or longer. It’s all about the task at hand.