i am of asian orgin and am going for my first laser treatment a week today. The laser they will be using is the yag laser. It is a respectable clinic called skin clinic, they have branches all over the uk.
my concerns are that a few years back I had 2 sessions with them on the side of my face. I experienced no shredding what so ever. Is this normal, or does it indicate the laser is not working. It is alot of money per session. I am having half of my face done and the front neck. the hair on the chin thick, while the rest of face it is medim, not fine and not thick.
i am having my cheeks done, so if you draw a straight line from the bottom of your nostrils all the way to the sidw of your face and all the way to my neck is the aera i am having treated. This should not affect my eyes.
i really would appreciate your advice.