I have been saving up and finally i have enough money to start electrolysis on my face, i have waited as i wanted to have enough funding to go regually as you all suggested.
I have a few questions:
I have hair all over the side of my face, chin, upper lip and neck. I understand that it will take a long time to get full clearance so how should i remove the hair that is not being treated?
How many appointments do you suggest? One a week or could it be possible to do more?
I am considering looking into insurance but would this be possible if i do not have a underlying hormonal problem?
I live in London England and unfortunately we are not as blessed as America with so many electrolysits so can anyone recommend any? As the British Assosication was not very helpful and I would love to be able to have a recommended practitioner.
Thats all i can think of at the moment, thank you for all your help on these boards you have made me feel like im not alone anymore in my problems. Thank you