Starting electrologist equipment

My girlfriend is currently going through school to become a licensed electrologist. She currently has an apilus jr 3g machine. She is having it appraised today to see what they will give as a trade in unit. Some of the instructors have even told her that is a fine machine and she dont need to upgrade. The info has been all over the place as far as get the best machine you can to the apilus jr 3g would be a great unit.

So my question would be is it worth upgrading to the senior 3g or even the xcell as it has some things that you cant get on the lower models.

Thanks so much for all your time.

xcell is whole new world. That is the only upgrade option dectro has unless they sell her a used unit. I’m not fond of the platinum pure.
The Xcell works very well and reliably, but it cost me $1300 cdn. That’s a lot of dosh.
If I was going to look at alternatives to the 3g or upgrades, I would hands down look at the instantron Elite Spectrum Plus . For less than 1/3 the cost of an Xcell, this is one rock solid machine that has a tone of electrologists using it and swearing by it.


Thanks so much for your advice Seana. After looking at and using several machines she decided on getting the xcell. She said the xcell was considerably more comfortable treatment than the other machines she used.

my clients agree, but at 13K canadian it is hands down the most expensive epilator in the world. That’s a lot of money for someone starting out to come up with. I wish her luck, and if she needs any help with her Xcell, she should hit up Dee or myself who both use the pro version. We can tell you a lot.

Just as an FYI for everyone the xcell PRO is on sale on dectro website for 7995.00 USD.

It’s a little bit of a sale? really, that’s still 10453 canadian, athen there addons, and I nevver buy a machine without buying a spare of every critical component, probeholder, pedals, anything that can break and put me out of business. Then you add shipping, and out good old friend HST at 13 %, and well, I think they took $500 off?

Well, I just figured the PRO with the added syncro and management system. for the same price as a pur without syncro was not a bad deal. It took the price from 9,995 to 7995. Is it still very expensive? Absolutely.

Btw sales tax in Canada is outrageous.

For a moment, until I looked up the US rate, I thought you might be meaning outrageously low!

VAT is generally 20% here in the EU.