I’m on HRT since two years, androgens completely suppressed. I’m from Central Europe, but I heard I look Mediterranean, hair are black; before HRT my black facial hair were rapidly reddening, but then it somehow completely reversed. I had my first diode laser session (only face) in 2023, after 4th one suddenly went for like half a year with barely any regrowth, for the first time I had swelling right after the session which I didn’t care about, and the 5th session barely did something, there was no shedding and no swelling (I guess they lowered the settings, motivated by profit or suspecting I had that long break due to too strong reaction?). I have quite a few very persistent thick black hairs on my chin for an unknown reason. Unfortunately, despite the changes in facial hair, the moustache shadow persists, less or more visible depending on light, but definitely too strong.
Since I’ve read that I can DIY galvanic electrolysis using a multimeter and a spoon, I bought Ballet needles, the thinnest available, 0.055 mm/0.002". The probe looks thicker than the hair. I can insert it in arms, but most of the time I feel pain even despite trying to do it according to the hair growth direction - when the insertion is supposed to be painless. The pain seems stronger when I aim for the hole vs I just poke random sites. It’s much easier to do it in legs. I can’t insert it in face at all. I bought a small mirror with “10x magnification”, and it does magnify, but it doesn’t look like the marketed magnification is true. Are magnifying glasses worth attention? I think I could learn to do it on limbs, but face feels hopeless.