Start with LightSheer and then switch to IPL???

I am thinking of getting laser hair removal for my bikini area. I have been to quite a few clinics already, and they all seem to have different lasers and all praise their technology. I have moderately fair skin with pretty dark hair, and out of what I have seen, I think I would opt for LightSheer. However, it is quite expensive (considering getting at least 6 sessions at $200- $230 each).

Now, my question. At this one clinic the tech recommended to START with LightSheer, get 2-3 sessions done, and then SWITCH to an IPL (like, say, Palomar), which is a much cheaper alternative.

Do you think that this type of treatment would be effective? Has anyone done/practised this combination treatment before?

Thank you in advance for your attention to my post and any recommendation would be very much appreciated!

Where are you located?

Are you male or female? How much are you removing at that price?

LightSheer is fine, but an alexandrite like GentleLASE or Apogee would be best. IPLs are not great for hair removal. I don’t see the point of switching later on. If anything, you need good treatments after the first 3 as well since the hair will become finer and harder to target.

Palomar doesn’t have the worst IPLs, so it’s not the end of the world. But I’m sure there are other clinics in your area with better machines.

I would recommend calling clinics and finding out what they use before paying them a visit. Try to concentrate only on those that fit your needs.

Thanks for your reply. I am a female (a typical Eastern European skin complexion!) and that price would only cover the basic bikini, or as they call it a ‘3-inch. area’.
I live in Toronto, and out of 9 clinics that I visited in my area, they either use Soprano XL, LightSheer, Palomar or YAGs (which I don’t need).
I noticed that Soprano XL is quite popular around here, it is slightly cheaper than LightSheer, but I am not quite sure that I want to proceed with Soprano XL having read all the reviews about it on this forum.

I am very very surprised I never came across an Alexandrite laser that you have mentioned!!! Is it an older technology?!

funny thing is, the lady at this clinic told me: after the first 2-3 sessions your hair will be lighter and not as coarse, so we will switch to an IPL then. So now I am completely confused about since she gave me an impression that diode is better for coare, darker hair, and then when it is finer, it doesn’t really matter which laer you use, as they will all do the job.
I presume the technician at this clinics was wrong?

Some think that IPL can treat a wider variety of hair types, like lighter hair, it’s more like a marketing gimmick than anything else.

Looks like it was a gimmick. Well, at least now I know that this is not the way it works!

And remember, at some point, none of the LASER’s will be able to take you any further (law of diminishing returns) and if you want total removal, you will then have to “Switch to Electrolysis” in order to finish the job.

Alexandrite is not older technology. It’s been around as long as many others and it’s the most powerful one. The problem sometimes is that clinics want to be able to treat more skin types with one machines, and alex is so powerful that it can only be used on skin types III and under.

Some machines are both alex and Yags in one, like GentleMax and Apogee Elite.

Candela Corporation makes GentleLASE and GentleMax. You can try contacting them to see who bought their machines in Toronto.

Did you run a search here for Toronto and see if there are past recommendations? I know there are dozens of clinics in that city.

I would also consider a good Yag, like GentleYAG or even Coolglide if the clinic is really good and knows what they’re doing. If they’re using high settings, you’ll still get great results on coarse hair.

Laser will remove up to 95% of hair or so. If you want 100% removal, then you can finish with electrolysis.

p.s. I get a bunch of results when Googling “Toronto GentleLASE”, so try that too. For example, it shows the Baywood Clinic has it and Clean Slate Beauty.

ens_reale I’m in Toronto and I go to a clinic in Yorkville that my friend works at, . They have the Lumines One and it has the LightSheer and IPL modules I believe (just going by what I remember seeing). I’ve had 3 sessions on my tummy and getting good results.

This might be a good time to step forward and reveal that I have been lurking here from time to time. Yes we are located in Toronto and we have GentleLASE. Give us a call to set up a free consultation.
