Spiro problems - advice please

So, I currently take Yasmin and 200mg Spiro (divided dose) for my hair issues. My problem is that within the last month or two I have had a LOT of trouble remembering to take my second dose of Spiro every day… I have tried everything I can think of but I keep forgetting, because I have to take it with food and my dinner time is always different every day and often hectic (I usually eat at work or out with friends.) So, I’ve been taking it when I remember, but this leads to a very inconsistent dosage. I have also noticed that my hair problem is getting worse. At first I thought maybe it was the warm weather, since hair supposedly grows faster in the summer, but it’s probably this dosage issue. All my pores are now darker and more obvious including on my upper legs, stomach and chest where they used to be much less visible once I shaved the hair. It’s really depressing because I feel ugly and gross. I am also getting much worse razor burn on my stomach, and I am noticing hair begin to grow on the underside of my arms (ugh!) where it used to be bare.

So, my question is this: is it safe/effective to take all 200mg in the morning? I never have trouble remembering to take my dose in the morning, because it’s simple-- wake up, eat breakfast and take my meds. Easy. I can’t really consult my doctor about this because although I am technically still seeing her, I am in the market for a new doctor because she doesn’t know what she is doing. I don’t really trust her advice. I figured enough people here have probably taken Spiro that they could tell me if this had worked for them or if they had been advised against it, etc.

Or, possibly this is an unrelated problem? I never really saw any benefit from the Spiro in terms of hair lessening, though it did seem to stop getting worse for a while. Now it is getting worse again. I have been on it since early March I believe. Any advice?

I say just bring the pills with you to work/out with friends! keep a bunch on you and at home so you dont have to worry.

I don’t think your are taking MUCH too little when you just take 100 every now and then b/c 100 is a good dose on its own. 200 is as high as it goes from what I understand so missing a pill now and then is not such a major deal. still, think about keeping them on you

I have the exact sample problem except that I am taking Spiro with Necon (which does nothing for the hair). I went to my endo because the hair was starting to get worse. Than I got on the medication and it wasn’t so bad… and now it’s getting worse again. It’s disturbing. I don’t know whether or not it’s related but this pill isn’t doing much. I am thinking of just getting on Yasmin (if I can) since my doctor originally prescribed that. I couldn’t afford it thought so he prescribed Spiro instead. I didn’t know that you could take both at once. Oh well… I really need some good insurance so I can see a doctor who will offer some better advice and treatment.

When taking Aldactone (Spiro) be sure to supplement with b vitamins, pro-biotics, stomach enzymes, magnesium selinium, tyrosine , and zinc, because in addition to testosterone, it also flushes the body’s stores of these vital nutrients as well. Your doctor probably doesn’t even know this, and that’s why he or she did not tell you this. (Well, either he or she doesn’t know this, or doesn’t think enough of you to tell you, which do you want to say that it is?)

If you think this is a small thing, do some research on the effects of deficiency in these nutrients, and you will find an interesting list of symptoms that you don’t want to have (not just because they are bad, but because they lead to you being prescribed even MORE drugs, which all have their deficiency making side effects, leading to even more problems… she swallowed the spider to catch the fly, but I don’t know why she swallowed the fly…)

Are you all on Spiro because you actually have a hormonal issue? How serious is the hair issue in general unbiased terms? Do you have serious facial hair? Are you looking into hair removal methods like laser and electrolysis? For most people, hair issues are still hereditary, especially if you’re of middle eastern descent. These drugs really are meant to stabilize hormones that are out of whack and are causing hair growth due to that. If everything is normal and it’s just hereditary, your option may be just to remove is permanently.

How old are all of you? If you’re in your early 20s, you’re still developing hair, which is normal. Keep in mind that the drugs, even if they do anything, only work while you’re taking them. Once you’re off, everything will go back to how it was. And Spiro is a very serious strong drug that is not recommended to take for your entire life. It can cause other more serious issues than having hair (I know that seems like the most serious issue, but compared to life/death issues, it’s not).