Soprano XL - Did it actually do anything?

[li]Soprano XL
[/li][li]Back and shoulders
[/li][li]Very fair skin, dark hair
[/li][li]First session
Long story short:
[li]Technician (or whatever) spent maybe 20 mins on whole area. Used a very haphazard pattern.
[/li][li]Didn’t hurt a bit. Not the tiniest bit.
[/li][li]Could smell hair burning and feel a little bit
[/li][li]No redness afterwards, no discomfort
[/li][li]Can still see hair on treated area
Is it likely that it did anything or did I get screwed? I pre-purchased a bunch of other treatments, now I wonder if I got suckered.

Any advice or thoughts? Thanks in advance.

What were the settings?

When did you get your treatment?

I haven’t a clue what the settings were.


Did they do the SHR mode? Like did they go over the areas quickly while zapping several times?

Soprano is a piece of garbage, was treated on underarms with it as well as full legs. The machine itself may work but it’s WAY too hard to use. When I did my underarms, she spent probably 3 minutes or so on each one (was told I was on highest settings as well and I’m light skin dark coarse hair). Felt it get very warm by the end. Then she did my legs which probably took 30 minutes to do both, so 3 minutes on each under arm but 30 mins on legs.

Couple weeks later all the underarm hair fell out but legs had no results, nothing fell out. They told me I was probably mistreated and they would do better next time.

I had previously been treated with alexandrite on GentleLASE and also Apogee Elite in the areas, and on my underarms after each session if I waited for all the hair to fully come back, there was a noticeable reduction. After the Soprano treatment even though it shed, there was virtually no difference at all.

She told me they know when the area is treated by the number of pulses the machine shows, as well as when it starts to get red. Some areas they would spend much more time on than others, it’s impossible to tell if you’ve treated one area as much as the other. Maybe if it they were to draw a grid all over and treat you one grid square at a time where they know how many pulses should be fired in that grid it would be okay. I wouldn’t waste my money on it, find a real laser.

Edit just to add, I haven’t given up on Soprano but I Wouldn’t pay full price. I bought a Groupon a few months ago was $49 for 3 sessions on any part of your body, even full legs. Not sure where I’ll use it yet but I figure even if it only works slightly, it’s still a cheap deal, and even if it makes the hair shed for 6 weeks and isn’t permanent, it’s a cheap wax :stuck_out_tongue:

  1. You won’t know if the treatment was effective for at least 3 weeks. Alopecia (shedding) only commences 10 days post treatment and continues from then on for a few weeks.

  2. This machine uses low fluences with repetitive millisecond pulses to achieve less painful heat stacking in the hair bulb. That you experienced minimal pain is consistent with the design of the machine.

  3. This is a relatively new machine, so results are not as corroborated as with conventional diodes and alexandrite lasers. However, the science that is available is actually promising. In one study, the physical integrity of hair follicles post treatment was found to be damaged in a way consistent with permanent epilation (inflammatory infiltrate, hair shaft detachment from its sheath, perifollicular edema [raised red bumbs], etc.). In another study that compared Soprano XL with LightSheer, similar reduction in hairs was found 6 months after 5 treatments. So, the current science seems to indicate that there is every possibility of permanent epilation with this machine. As usual, results depend on a variety of factors, including operator skill.

I have had one treatment with the Soprano XL on the Brazilian region and I had shedding of 70% of the area treated. Its been 4 weeks today and the areas where I had shedding I have had no hair re-growth yet. My spa does not offer touch ups between treatments at no charge but they do offer a lifetime guarantee (assuming they are still in business) after 8 treatments. I am going back for my 2nd treatment in 3 weeks as I have enough missed areas that it will warrant another treatment. And the area should have some regrowth as like most people, my pubic hair grows rather fast.

I did not smell burning hair during my treatment but I thought that might be due to a close shave but I am not sure. I did have pain. It felt like tiny zaps of electricity all over my pubic area. But the pain was gone as quickly as it came. The entire treatment of the area (front and back) took less than 8 mins.

I think that the Soprano machine needs to be properly vetted before it can be determined to be unworthy. One treatment does not get complete and permanent hair loss so only after multiple treatments can one decide if the machine worked or not for them.

I think you should try to contact the place you went to and get the treatment settings, do a bit of research, then make sure they do a better job next time around. When you call, you might want to tell the manager that you felt like the area was not treated and see what their policy is about touch-ups.

Just do a forum search on here for it, no point starting a new discussion there’s tons of people on here who have had no results from it. There was a big discussion maybe 6 months ago regarding it. If you search you’ll see more people have had no results or bad experiences vs good.

Yes, she covered the area haphazardly, which I assume means she used that mode.

I’ve already purchased 6 vouchers (one of which has already been used) through a Groupon style site.

Should I simply not waste my time, accept it as a learning experience, cut my losses and move on or should I go through the entire process?

FWIW, and since you’re from Toronto, I got it from Bellair Laser at Yonge and Eglinton – in case you’re familiar with them. The seemed very unprofessional. I guess this just adds to that experience.

Can’t really charge it back in good conscience.

They’re providing what they said they would.

My fault for not researching it I suppose. I just have to decide if it’s worth my while to do the other 5 sessions. Any thoughts are appreciated.

Well, like it has been stated, The SHR mode on te Soprano XL seems to be difficult to use. I got treated with the single pulse mode so I’m not sure how this works.

It is stated that it can go up to 120J. But this machine uses a diffirent technique, like it gradually heats the follicle up. You should always go for the highest settings your skin can safely handle, so you should try to persuade them to use high settings.

What I do notice from the negative reviews on this machine is that most of these people haven’t had enough treatments. Maybe these people can make it to good use. Atleast wait to see if you get full shedding in the next 2/3 weeks.

Perhaps a stupid question, but how do I know if it’s shedding?

Will I see a bunch of hair on the towel after a shower? Will it simply disappear?

Since you had treatment on your back and shoulders it may be a little bit more difficult to see but it should show up on your towel. The hair should fall out. You will also be able to pull out the hairs with tweezers with no resistance if they are shedding. If you feel as though there is tugging on the hair when you try to pull it out, leave it alone as it has not (or will not) shed with this first treatment. You can also exfoliate the area to help it shed, if the hairs are going to shed.

After three weeks, you should see less hair on the area treated. Those are the hairs that shed. If you see fully grown hair, those hairs either were missed in the treatment or they did not take to the treatment.

Wanted to share my postive experience. Bikini & underarm done 3 wks ago. Have ledium skin but quite corse hair. Was told might need more than the standard 6 sessions. Was not able to shave terribly close to skin under arms because of shoulder mobility issues so was worried about effectiveness. Technician used highest setting and took 30 mins. Bikini line really hurt. If no pain, not strong enough perhaps…?! Anyway, 7 days later and it really starting coming out. Just a gentle pull and the hair is released easily. I had heard that about 80% could come out in first treatment and I am certainly experiencing that. (cost £695 for 6 sessions. Buy bikini gets arms free)

If you can’t shave completely it’s not a huge deal, my tech usually has a new razor in one hand to get hairs I missed and then rolls over them with a lint roller to pick them up.

Is any of your hair actually coarse? Can you post a photo?

If the hair doesn’t fall out within 3 weeks, you can ask Groupon for a refund.

Yes, it’s coarse. I’m a furry bastard. :wink:

Can’t post a photo because right now, I’m somewhat recently shorn and nothing would be visible. If I took an up-close, the hair itself, while not as dense, is kind of like a man’s beard hair.

At this point, it’s stubbly, and I can’t tell if there’s any less than before.

I’m hopiong that it falls out as people are describing above – but I honestly don’t know that I’ll be able to tell if it does given the location.

If it worked, it should fall out within 3 weeks. You’ll be able to tell because there will be no hair. Otherwise, nothing happened.

I know people say Soprano XL doesn’t seem to work and what not but I have a question regarding that. I check the groupon and other group buy sites daily, and every week there’s at least 3-4 different laser companies that have deals for inexpensive laser hair removal or unlimited etc. I’d have to say that 95% of these places use Soprano XL though. I’ve never seen one with GentleLASE, I’ve seen one with I think it was called CynoSure Apogee MPX and I’ve seen one with LightSheer. There’s lots that are IPL of course. If Soprano XL is so bad though, why is it that almost all clinics seem to have this machine? I think any pro laser is going to be expensive, so it’s not like the Soprano is $10k vs the rest being $60k or something. Maybe a lot of clinics like it because it says it can treat any skin type and is pain free so they figure why buy something that hurts. To me it would just seem that a lot of places would have issues or hear from other clinics if the machine doesn’t work at all. Just my thoughts.