Sona VS. Ideal Image

I’ve had 2 consults; Sona Med Spa and Ideal Image for LHR on bikini, underarms, legs. Sona says wait 12 weeks between visits for underarms/bikini and 16 weeks between visits for legs. Ideal Image and everything else I’ve read says 8-10 weeks for all body parts.

I’m confused why there’s a difference. Sona uses Apogee 9300 and I believe I.I. uses GentleLase.

Can anybody help clarify this for me?


Sona “patents” their “technique” to have people space treatments out longer. It’s not confirmed whether that’s more effective, but it keeps you as a customer longer. What you should really do is go get more consultations with some PRIVATE clinics and compare lasers and experience of people who will actually be treating you. Your most important concern should be laser type for your skin and being in good hands of someone who cares about your results, not how much and how soon you will pay.

I go to Sona. I have had 5 underarm treatments (last one a few weeks ago), 4 leg treatments, 3 bikini. At first I thought their timing was a bit long, but then I realized it works really well. I’d wait, and wait, and then about a month before my next appointment, all this new hair would come in,and then I would be glad I waited. Seriously, if I had gone to be treated at 8 weeks instead of 12, it would have been almost a complete waste. After four treatments, there was virtually no hair left.

Sure lots of people here say you must go at 8-10 weeks, but they have apparently never tried the longer timing, and how many treatments have they had? Some people here say 6,8, whatever treatments, because they time them too close together. I am really happy that after only a few treatments, most of the hair is gone. I personally think that the longer you space out the treatments, the more hair is killed in fewer treatments, which means less money spent.

the reasoning for shorter spacing (recommended is 8-12 weeks) is mainly due to the idea that weaker hair is easier to kill and hair is best killed when it’s new and weak and in anagen stage. that’s how electrolysis works for example. it’s hard to say what your results would have been like if you got treatments spaced closer together, but since you’re saying they were 12 weeks apart, that’s really in line with the recommended schedule anyways.

Whose recommended schedule? Yours? You seem hell-bent on forcing your recommendation. I have had excellent results on a schedule of 12-16 weeks, or the last appointment on my legs, even 5 months. It worked great for me, getting the best results with the fewest treatments and least cost.

I think SSll (??, I’m not sure about his name), said the same thing repeatedly.

Optimum treatment intervals vary by body part. It depends on the stage of growth and percent of hairs in anagen stage at any given time. So there is no hard and fast rule for everyone.


[color:“blue”]Good point RCJ. I copied and pasted this from an Andrea past post which shows a chart that may be helpful, but is not always right on the money because we are talking about the mysterious, fortuitous HAIR!. [/color]

"A more useful chart of growth cycles appears in richards, p. 39:

T = duration of telogen
A = duration of anagen

Eyebrows: 16-20 weeks
T = 12 weeks A = 4-8 weeks

Ears: 16-20 weeks
T = 12 weeks A = 4-8 weeks

Beard (chin): 66 weeks
T = 10 weeks A = 52 weeks

Moustache (upper lip): 22 weeks
T = 6 weeks A = 16 weeks

Axillae (armpits): 28 weeks
T = 12 weeks A = 16 weeks

Arms: 31 weeks
T = 18 weeks A = 13 weeks

Legs & thighs: 40 weeks
T = 24 weeks A =16 weeks

The richards/meharg chart is by no means complete, since very few clinical studies have performed careful observations of individual hair follicles. They cite 14 published papers in compiling their chart of hair growth, and the chart itself as it appears in their book has many blank spots. Better to wait until someone performs clinical observations than to hazard a guess, they feel. I do, too."

[color:“blue”]There are many high hurdles and obstacles to overcome for anyone seeking permanent hair removal. We have to play a good game waiting for times when treatable growing anagen hairs become present. There are no consistent rules for every hair. There are many variables that serve to slow us down. Heck, some hairs only grow at certain times of the year and the percentage that are actually treatable with laser or electrolysis can vary from 20% to 80% at any one time!

Anyone seeking permanent hair removal must have a loyal dog attitude and be consistent enougth to get in and treat growing hair. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" /> [/color]


Whose recommended schedule? Yours? You seem hell-bent on forcing your recommendation. I have had excellent results on a schedule of 12-16 weeks, or the last appointment on my legs, even 5 months. It worked great for me, getting the best results with the fewest treatments and least cost.

I think SSll (??, I’m not sure about his name), said the same thing repeatedly.

most importantly it varies by area treated as posted above. legs for example need less frequent treatments, but face needs more frequent treatments FOR MOST. most importantly, there shouldn’t be a set schedule that you follow. everyone is different. I repeatedly say that you should wait until you have enough hair come in to justify your next treatment, in addition to checking out several private clinics (it’s great for you that your Sona location is working out great for you, but there are more than a handful posts from people with bad experiences at many of their locations, and not just due to treatment spacing – that’s why I said it’s most important to find someone who knows what they’re doing and cares about the results. if it happens to be that particular Sona, then that’s fine. Plus, she said this particular location said 12 weeks for bikini and 16 for legs, which is fine anyways).

and although you were rude in your post, what i meant is recommended by professionals who’ve been writing on these forums for 2 years that I’ve talked to personally and been following. you can’t compare your current “results” to what could have been if you have spaced treatments closer together. they can as they have tried both. Plus, you’re treating your LEGS, which has one of the longest anagen stages compared to other body parts. SSLHR (cosmetic enhancements forum) who owns a chain of clinics in Texas uses the 8-12 week schedule at his clinics.

I don’t own any lasers or clinics, so I’m not “hell bent” on anything. I try to help people get the best results. Maybe you should join in and post more. For some reason you’ve only posted 10 times, all of which have been glowing reviews on Sona every time someone questions them and that’s it…hm.