[color:“blue”]Good point RCJ. I copied and pasted this from an Andrea past post which shows a chart that may be helpful, but is not always right on the money because we are talking about the mysterious, fortuitous HAIR!. [/color]
"A more useful chart of growth cycles appears in richards, p. 39:
T = duration of telogen
A = duration of anagen
Eyebrows: 16-20 weeks
T = 12 weeks A = 4-8 weeks
Ears: 16-20 weeks
T = 12 weeks A = 4-8 weeks
Beard (chin): 66 weeks
T = 10 weeks A = 52 weeks
Moustache (upper lip): 22 weeks
T = 6 weeks A = 16 weeks
Axillae (armpits): 28 weeks
T = 12 weeks A = 16 weeks
Arms: 31 weeks
T = 18 weeks A = 13 weeks
Legs & thighs: 40 weeks
T = 24 weeks A =16 weeks
The richards/meharg chart is by no means complete, since very few clinical studies have performed careful observations of individual hair follicles. They cite 14 published papers in compiling their chart of hair growth, and the chart itself as it appears in their book has many blank spots. Better to wait until someone performs clinical observations than to hazard a guess, they feel. I do, too."
[color:“blue”]There are many high hurdles and obstacles to overcome for anyone seeking permanent hair removal. We have to play a good game waiting for times when treatable growing anagen hairs become present. There are no consistent rules for every hair. There are many variables that serve to slow us down. Heck, some hairs only grow at certain times of the year and the percentage that are actually treatable with laser or electrolysis can vary from 20% to 80% at any one time!
Anyone seeking permanent hair removal must have a loyal dog attitude and be consistent enougth to get in and treat growing hair. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" /> [/color]