I’ve had an overall horrible experience with electrolysis.
After many treatments (at least 10-15), I saw little results and a lot of side effects.
I think whether electrolysis works for you is dependent on your electrologist and your skin tone and hair density.
I’m in a pretty bad circumstance where the next closest electrologist who is reputed (Dee Dee) is 3 hours away.
I guess what I’m wondering is what makes an electrologist better than the one I was seeing all this time.
My electrologist is a nice person and was very receptive to my side-effects. They were careful to adjust settings and all that. And still, no improvement really.
I think some people, like myself, are not predisposed to this treatment.
Which explains why I haven’t seen many dark skinned males getting body hair treatment.
I mostly see (all almost) light-skinned with medium to dark hair.