Hi everyone,
I have a Clean + Easy Deluxe electrolysis machine that I initially used on my upper thighs and bikini line to practice in more hidden areas before I did my lower legs which is the area I really want to treat.
After some practice and a lot of reading on this forum I was pleased with my results on my upper thighs and bikini line. Very slow going but I can see noticiable progress after small area treatments over a few months, and my skin reacted well, with any scabs flaking off within a week and no hyperpigmentation that I could see.
Having practiced a bit I decided three months ago to move onto my lower legs. I did a patch test and there was a big difference in how my skin reacted.
I had red/purple dots in each follicle I treated that over a few weeks turned more yellow/brown. It took over two months for my skin to return almost to normal. I wonder if it is just PIH, but was baffled at how differently my skin reacted with the same machine, same settings, same length of treatment time, and same technique I was using in other areas. The hairs on my lower legs (which are finer than my bikini line but thicker/coarser than my upper thigh hair) came out just as easily as my other treatments, but the skin reaction the day after and beyond is very different.
I tried another smaller patch test on the lower leg with the machine set to 0 and only 10 second treatment time (didn’t get all the hairs) but the skin reaction was the same.
I use magnifying eyeglasses, bright lights, and make sure the needle is in the follicle before completing the circuit. Is there anything I can adjust to reduce these red spots? Is it possible I’m inserting the needle too deep or too shallow? Any advice would be much appreciated!!
Attached a picture of the first test patch - 2 days, 7 days, and 3 weeks after treatment, respectively. The forum doesn’t let me upload more than one picture so I had to combine three pictures into one, hence the weird cropped edits!