Skin issue after electrolysi, how to treat?

I was wondering when you started using the cream. I was thinking of using copper peptides for the pits and hyperpigmentation but I’m not sure if it’s a little early to use anything since it’s been just 1.5 months since the session.

Also, do you mind sharing a picture of your chin now?

Hi my dermat prescribed me this after 2 months of the last electrolysis session! Cause i need that damaged part to be healed first! So actually these are pretty strong ingredients they may irritate your skin and not let the wound heal if u started to use them early! So I recommend this cream to use after the injury was totally healed and all u can see are pits and pigmentation and i have used this cream on the pigmentation and pits every night of small amounts for 20 days ! And they make the skin peel / red as the cell turnover is fast it’s nothing to worry about and u need only small amouNt of cream evry night after moisturizer and i used for 20 days and it did became red and skin peel and i gave my a rest to my skin as physician said and for the next 20 days and i can see almost 95% of pigmentation and pits faded away after 20 days and i did not see a hint of the injury after 2 mnts! It’s almost a year now and there’s nothing on my chin

Thank you for the quick response. I’ve been worried sick!

I think I’ll consult a dermatologist and see what they recommend.

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Hey ! What’s the update