Skin Clinics

Hello everyone :slight_smile:
I’m just wondering if anyone knows what type of lasers are used by skin clinics? I can’t find any information on their site, but perhaps i am not looking in the right places :slight_smile:
Would anyone recommend them?
Any help would be appreciated!

Where are you located?

Sorry, UK!

There are discussions about this clinic here. I’m not sure, however, that they use the same lasers at all locations. You need to call them and ask.

Also, run a search here for London and read past discussions on several locations.

hi, I’m quite fond of skin clinics. I also tried another clinic which was more expensive, but to be honest preferred the former. I dont know what type laser they use, but I know its been upgraded over the years.

If you pm me I can make further recommendations to you in terms of the nurse I see and the specific clinic I personally have had a positive experience with.

Also if you want to save money on your first treatment/course of treatments we can make use of the referralscheme they have in place.

But whatever you decide to do, best of luck and I wish you success.