Single treatment - wasted?

Hi again,

I had a single treatment for my lower legs two and a half weeks ago. The pain was bearable, but the aftermath was quite traumatic. My skin is so sensitive that i have still have tiny bruising marks all over my legs, and my legs were red and swollen for a week afterwards (LightSheer diode at 35 joules setting).

If i quit now, and don’t have any further treatments, will my $600 have been completely wasted? That is, will there be any benefit to having had this done once?

It seems like with laser you have to keep going back to see any benefit - with all respect, seems like a racket to me!


If i quit now, and don’t have any further treatments, will my $600 have been completely wasted? That is, will there be any benefit to having had this done once?

It seems like with laser you have to keep going back to see any benefit - with all respect, seems like a racket to me!

Hello Fuchsia,

Sadly, yes. The single treatment will only give you the new hair a little be lighter (thinner) for a period of time only. Energy absorbed in one single treatment is enough to temporary destroy the hair follicle, but the result is not permanent (yet).


Fuchsia,Do you have dark or tanned skin? If so, you would probably have less redness being treated with a Nd:YAG 1064nm laser. In my experience, it is unusual to have skin redness for that long after a laser treatment. The Lightsheer is a very good laser, but it is more likely to scab and cause redness than a 1064nm laser on dark or tanned skin.You can get results from one treatment, but that will vary from person to person, and for different areas. I had 50% hair removal from the first laser treatment on my chest. Later treatments did not bring such dramatic results, but they did bring steady improvement. 35 Joules is a relatively mid to low fluence level for the legs, so you may not experience any lasting results from it. Only time will tell.If nothing else, hairs that grow back may be finer and lighter in color. This will make it easier to shave with better results.RJC2001