Silk'n?What is the most effective home IPL/Laser?

I NEED HELP! So I have 500 dollars to spend on a hair removal device… I can’t afford to get treatments done in a clinic at this time. Any advice on what kind of home hair removal units work best.

I was looking into the Silk’n and it looks promising. Has anyone else used it?

Then don’t spend money on anything because no home device works. You’re in the wrong forum, go to the Do it yourself Laser IPL forum and read our posts. No home device will give permanent results. Save your money otherwise you’re wasting it. What area are you treating? $500 would be more than enough to do 8 treatments on underarms at most clinics.

What areas? What type of hair?

Are you looking for permanent hair removal? No home device will provide that.

Armpits and Bikini mainly cause they have darker hair… it doesnt have to be permanant as long as I can get rid of hair without raser burn and the hair growing back the next day/or it still looks like its there right after shaving/waxing!! I dont know what to do!Im left to going for the laser… just wondering how i should go about it…

i.e. which laser is best etx. it sounds like the Alexandria laser might be for me…

A home laser device made my hairs coarser and darker - don’t waste your money, spend it at a reputable salon - would $500 be enough to have the hairs permanently removed by electrolysis?

Please read our FAQs at the link below. For $500, you can get a lot of professional treatments done nowdays and remove the hair permanently. There are lots of Groupon and other specials (you do have to verify that it’s a reputable clinic with a good laser first) for as little as $20 per treatment for underarms and as little as $50 per treatment for bikini. You’ll need about 6 treatments on these areas spaced 8-12 weeks apart.

Type of laser depends on your skin type. You also need to make sure the clinic is aggressive with settings. This is all explained in the FAQs.