Should I switch? And progress check…WITH PICS

Hi everyone. I have been seeing an electrologist who has 20 yrs of experience for 2 months, and have not noticed significant improvement. She is very fast, but she always leaves me with lots of scabs after a treatment.

Yesterday, I tried out another electrologist, and her treatment was much less painful and today I have almost no scabbing at all. She also moved slower than the first woman. She also mentioned that a lot of my hairs were inactive, which might mean that my current lady is jumping around rather than completely clearing an area.

Should I switch electrologists? Is jumping around normal?

This is one area of my face 7 weeks apart, after treatment on whole face for an hour each week. Is this progress normal? Note that I had shaved in the first pic and not in the second.

Two months is not enough time to see results. I generally see results after six months of treatment as long as the area is being cleared regularly. I think a good approach in this case is to clear one side of the face each week and alternate until you make enough progress to clear the whole area in one treatment.

If your electrologist isn’t able to clear one side within the hour, she might be thinning the area or “jumping around”. Since this is just the speed she works at, your option is either to find a faster electrologist (faster doesn’t mean better results) or to do two hours per week until the hair is reduced.

I don’t see any need for you to change electrologists again, and I don’t know that your first electrologist was all that bad - it would depend on the size of the scabs. Consider continuing with this one for now.

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