Should I seek a different electrologist?

So I have brown skin, with a lot of thick black hair that grows very quickly. I did several sessions of electrolysis with a local electrologist, though I’ve been stuck in the closet and on hold recently.

We mostly focused on the area around the lips (which causes the most dysphoria), and even with topical anesthetics it was exhausting, gruelling, and slow. I thought electrolysis would be slow because of waiting for hair cycles, but over 1-2 hours of work we’re only able to cover about a cm squared of my lips. I’m looking to start up again, but I’d probably try to push myself for 3-4h sessions so I can get through this faster. Hairfacts says “you should never have the feeling that a hair is being plucked or tweezed during treatment”, and I definitely felt that for some of the difficult hairs.

So my question basically is, is this the typical experience I can expect anywhere given my hair quality and skin colour? Or should I look into other electrologists.

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I’m a bit disappointed none of the other electrologists have piped in to this thread. I’m going to say that I recommended auni join here from one of my local hair removal forums.

In my experience, to get as little area covered it would have to be a blend treatment. Blend does have a very high kill rate, but I havent had success in keeping the hours down with blend treatments. My own fce done in blend took hundreds of hours.
With as much growth as you describe, I would look into doing treatments in thermolysis, this only because I think it would be the shortest path to the end goal. To get the maximum number of hairs treated in a given area, you need to leave the hair alone. Dont shave it, wax, thread or remove by any other temporary means. Hairs in catagen or telogen do not grow like their anagen breathren but we have the ability to kill hair in any stage of growth where the hair is present in the follicle. So by shaving, unfortunately you make those hairs unavailable until they have shed and returned as anagen hairs, extending the lenght of time electrolysis must be performed during.
In my trans cases, running out of hair to treat is rarely a problem. Depending on your approach however it may be some time before you get to the point of being able to do full clearances. I would recommend however looking at a couple electrologists who work with different modalities and then proceding with the electrologist you are most comfortable with their progress and method. Never settle for the first person you can find, ( unless they are simply the best of the options tried).
