I have personally seen this happen with some of my clients.
This is absolutely ridiculous. Forty-five minutes per week, on an upper lip, for three years!? There has got to be more to the story.
Did you get cleared of bothersome hair each time?
Did you do any threading, waxing, tweezing or sugaring while you were having electrolysis? A brilliant electrologist once said to only tweeze the hairs you want to keep. If there is any pulling whatsoever, then you will never finish.
Have you had medical exam, with blood work to check out the hormones? Do you ever feel tweezing when getting electrolysis? Perhaps the IPL has messed up your hair growth cycles, thus making it hard to predict a happy ending to electrolysis.
I don’t feel laser or any light-based treatment is necessary for facial hair. A professional electrologist, along with a compliant client, can achieve upper lip hair freedom within a year, clearing the area each time for a total of 8-15 clearings over that period of about a year. Remember, laser CANNOT SEE smaller hairs no matter what the color. The upper lip presents with all hair kinds of hair structures, all colors of hair and colorless hairs. Electrolysis CAN SEE any hair structure, any color of hair on any color of skin. Laser CANNOT. Does that answer your question about whether you should try laser?
Spend your effort and money looking for a competent electrologist. Can anyone offer sunshine a recommendation?