I would really appreciate it if the experts on this board could help me out. I am trying to decide whether to attempt LHR or not.
Background: I am 34/F, always been quite hairy (I now have black, coarse hair on my chin, sideburns, upperlip, lower back, forearms, legs, belly). I had LHR (lightsheer) on my face when I was 20 (6 treatments) and again in 2005 (6 treatments) which didn’t really help. It has been a while and I am not sure what the settings were. I went to a dermatologist to attempt it again 5 years ago but I was told to stop trying as it was obviously making things worse.
I have now started electrolysis for my face. I am concerned about my thighs and forearms where I have coarse hair. If I wax, I get ingrowns and pimples and if I shave, I get stubble. Hair on my lower legs is growing a bit sparse (though what I do have is still black and coarse) as I get older but no such luck on the aforementioned parts. Should I consider LHR on these areas? I have NO fine hair in these areas so I am having trouble imagining how it could get worse. The worst case scenario would be that it would all come back. I guess my basic concern is, if it didn’t work for my face, would it also not work for other parts of my body?
I am of Pakistani descent and am considered fair for my ethnicity. My hormone levels have been checked multiple times and are always within the normal range. I have always been told my hirsuitism is idiopathic and perhaps my skin is just androgen sensitive.
Thanks in advance for any advice. I would REALLY appreciate it.
Thanks in advance.