Should I be asking what machine is used?

Hey everyone, sorry if this has been answered I didn’t really seem to find it when checking quick. I love laser and do it where I can, but on my forearms there’s a few finer hairs that I’m starting to think will probably not be affected so was thinking I’d finish up with electrolysis and start checking around now. I know word of mouth is big, but for me I’m not really that picky, I don’t find electrolysis seems that expensive that I can’t just go and try a place out and see how it goes etc. With laser, the type of laser used is huge, so I’m just wondering if I should be asking what types an electrologist uses before making an appointment? Laser websites always list the type used for the most part but most electrolysis sites don’t seem to. From talking to others, machines that do the new things like pico flash I think it’s called seem beneficial since it sounds much faster and less painful. Just thought I’d check if there’s anything I should be asking for!

It is better to ask number treated hairs per hour and the degree of effectiveness for each treated hairs. All the electrologist should know what degree of effectiveness. The Multiplex in Apilus Platinum is the fastest and not too painful.

Il est préférable de demander combien de poils sont traités par heure et le degré d’efficacité pour chaque poil traités. Tous l´électrolyste doivent savoir quel est sont niveau d’efficacité. Le Multiplex en Apilus Platinum est le plus rapide et n´est pas trop douloureux.

Pico or Micro Flash thermolysis would probably be the best for tidying up your lased arms. Multiplex would be the ticket if the hair is deep, curvy and resistant. These thermolysis modes are awesome!

Yes, I would definitely ask what machine is being used. The newer technologies hurt less and have modalities that are tailored to the type of hair to be treated, which makes for a faster treatment and less skin reaction. All these reasons being in your favor. The modalities that dfahey talked about above are all from the Apilus machines and these are your best bet.

I would call and ask the name of the machine and type of electrolysis they perform. Also, most do free sample treatments, so just test people out and see how your skin reacts.

I prefer Apilus machines using thermolysis method. Less painful and fast.

You can look at the epilator and perhaps the name will be written on the front. You can take a picture, too. The best thing to do would be to ask your practitioner.

Microflash is available on other epilators as well. The Silhouet-Tone VMC model most notably. It’s a very nice epilator, too.

Thanks everyone! Probably won’t do it for awhile but just thought I’d start my research now, see what I’m getting myself into hehe.

Hey everyone,

So it’s still too early for me to do electrolysis as I’m not done laser, but thinking I might give it a shot on my abdomen as I’ve done lots of laser there but I have a tattoo, so the hair right near it wasn’t treated by the laser since it’s too close. There’s an electrologist literally around the corner from me. I emailed them to ask the questions above, the machine used, number of hairs etc. She said she uses an “apallis machine” which I’m guessing is a typo of Apilus. She also said she can’t tell me how many hairs per minute or hour because it depends on the type of current used, my tolerance for it, how fast the hairs grow back and so on. So not sure if that’s an okay response or? lol…

Apilus does various types of electrolysis, i.e. thermolysis, microflash, blend, etc. So she’s right. It will depend on what she uses on you as all these have different speed rates. Blend is slowest, but also easiest to use on deep curlier hairs. Microflash in good hands should be good and fast on almost everything.

These responses are somewhat ambiguous. I have a pupil who is a year and a half working on Electrolysis and she is fully aware of the number of hairs that is per hour with Blend (Sorisa´s machine 1.5 seconds) Picoflash or Multiplex (Apilus Platinum). The number of hairs treated per hour is respectively B = 600, P = 700, M = 800
The ratio of effectiveness of it is 9 out of 10 treated hair.

These figures are for areas of the body such as the abdomen. Other areas such as the supraclavicular region, acromionic region or clavicular region are much more difficult, therefore the number of hairs can be treated per hour decreases substantially.

So Edokid friend, simply check the Pythagorean legacy he left us and make your calculations. Your pocketbook will thank you.

Ces réponses sont quelque peu ambigus. J’ai un élève qui a un an et demi de travail sur l’électrolyse et elle est pleinement conscient du nombre de poils par heure avec Blend (machine Sorisa a 1,5 secondes) Picoflash ou multiplex (Apilus Platinum). Le nombre de poils traités par heure est respectivement, B = 600, P = 700, M = 800
Le ratio d’efficacité d´elle est de 9 sur 10 cheveux traités.

Ces chiffres sont pour les régions du corps comme l’abdomen. D’autres domaines tels que la région sus-claviculaire, l´acromion ou de la région claviculaire sont beaucoup plus difficiles, donc le nombre de poils peuvent être traités par heure diminue sensiblement.

Alors ami Edokid, il suffit de cocher l’héritage qu’il nous a laissé le grand Pythagore et de faire vos calculs. Votre portefeuille vous en serait reconnaissant.


Ah d’accord. En ce moment je suis désireux de traiter environ 30 poils. Je peux juste lui donner un essai car elle est proche. Merci!

Ah, c’est ce que tout le monde dit!!!

Ces 30 poils sont les précurseurs d’une histoire d’amour qui commence par une flèche, et finit avec la peau du petit Cupidon.

Bonne chance mon cher.

Hahaha merci beaucoup!!!