shaving stomach

okay, so recently i’ve begun to shave my stomach… the problem is even right after i shave hair is still visible below the surface of my skin… is there anyway to get a closer shave so they aren’t visible?? i’ve tried using a regular razor (which always leaves me w/ many razor bumps), the philips bodygroom, and nair, all to no avail. any advice would be much appreciated.

Do u have coarse dark hair? HOw dense is it?
Usually dark coars hair gives u shadow look soon after shaving.
If that is the case laser would be a good option…

Are you male or female? Sounds like your hair is pretty coarse, so waxing may be the only way to eliminate this problem temporarily. Laser would be the permanent and more expensive option.

Razor bumps can result in ingrown hair, as can waxing. Laser will work for dark hair on fair skin and can greatly thin out dense growth of dark hair. Electrolysis works for all areas and can be used from start to finish, or can be used to clean up what’s left behind from laser.

Why not just reduce the length of the hair so it looks natural?
Shaving can cause a lot of skin problems, ingrown hairs, itching, etc.

I have this same problem. It’s really embarassing and I am terrified my partner will notice and be grossed out (I am female). I have to shave every day or I get stomach stubble!!! :frowning: But I don’t want to wax, because I heard it makes the hair grow back stronger, and also I am not willing to let it grow out enough to wax it. If the hair is dark enough that you can see the spot under the skin, does that mean it is likely to be affected by laser? Even if it may be somewhat “fine” in texture, but dark?

I would not be quick to do LASER on the abs, but you could try it.

Fine hair doesn’t respond well to laser.

Don’t try laser. Wax!

I agree with greetings i think waxing would be a great resort

Hi I wax my belly,using mini waxing strips for bikini line and facial hair removal. It works well and I get a really smooth result and because they are mini strips it doesn’t hurt. I don’t have any problem with bumps or ingrowing hairs as I use a facial scrub on my belly when I’m in the bath. The hairs do seem to grow back finer too,and it lasts much longer than shaving.

The only down side is that I do have to grow it out in order to get best results and the hair is dark! theres alot of it and it comes back in dribs and drabs.Its worth it though once waxed!
I’ve tried shaving and its much worse as the hair feels coarser and you can still see it under the skin. I love it when my belly is freshly waxed and smooth.I hate growing it out. :slight_smile:

Waxing is an option for the stomach, however it should be noted that waxing the face can lead the hair to become coarser, stronger and darker. This is down to the increased amount of hormone rich blood that is flowing to the sight of the traum or the area waxed.

It’s good to hear your pleased with your results all the same.


I always found bleaching a good option if you’re female and the hair is relatively fine before I got elecrolysis. It looks more natural.


I just want to say that I agree with lagirl about bleaching if you are female and the hair is fine. I bleach the whole front of my body - chest and stomach. Ok, the hair is still there and it can be seen close up but it looks natural but most importantly the dark effect of the hair on is gone. Most women have hair in these places just some of us have it longer, darker and denser.

waxing will do…its better than the razor… but laser is the best. .

Electrolysis is highly effective on the lower abdominal area (just like it is on any area) and visibly removing the coarsest hairs FIRST brings initial dramatic visible relief. Not all hair in this area or any area can be seen by Laser. Elecrolysis “see’s” every hair on people of color, peaople with a tan and people with white skin, so why not start off with the all service option for permanent hair removal known as electrolysis? No need to wait or hope for shedding to occur in the next couple weeks, as is true for Laser. With electrolysis, the hair is visibly gone when you leave the office.

These hairs give up easily if the proper probe size is used with the proper levels of intensity and timimg. Modality doesn’t matter as they all work to damage hair follicles.

Temporary options are fine as well, such as waxing, bleaching and shaving, etc.

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i have always had very thick dark embarrassing stomach hair mainly my happy trail. and then as i got older i started accepting my hair showing it to the sunlight, and now it is thinner and lighter.