Hi, Another question. If during shaving (prepping for the LHR), I nick myself, is this going to add to my pain, or cause any problem? I guess that the nicks heal up very quickly (especially in bikini area). I guess there is not a problem with me applying the topical lidocaine even if I had some little nicks?
The topical lidocaine specifically says to apply it only to unbroken skin. Using it on open cuts can burn and cause temporary disfiguration in the area. I speak from experience and stress the word “temporary”.
Hi, Another question. If during shaving (prepping for the LHR), I nick myself, is this going to add to my pain, or cause any problem? I guess that the nicks heal up very quickly (especially in bikini area). I guess there is not a problem with me applying the topical lidocaine even if I had some little nicks?
Just avoid the nicked areas when applying the Lidocaine. And use a high quality razor, like Venus or Mach3 to minimize the nicks. You will find that you will have fewer nicks and cuts if you use a Venus Vibrance or M3 Power.
Ok, thanks. I don’t often get nicks, and I’ll be extra careful, but I’m paranoid so wanted to check in case I get nicks. (Trying to be extra careful could cause trouble? Ack.)