Shaving body hair for women..suggestions?

I’ve been struggling with body hair for as long as I can remember. I never had too many problems with it until the facial hair started regrowing faster and thicker. I always thought it was because of shaving or depilatories, but as I’m reading more on here and getting advice from friends, I understand now that it’s just because I’m getting older.

I’m 30 now and as the months have gone by the past two to three years, it seems to be getting progressively worse, and what I’m doing now (depilatories, plucking, home wax, or regular razors) do not work as well on my hair anymore.

I would really love to permanently remove all my unwanted hair SOMEDAY, but right now I can’t really afford that option. So, in the meantime, what I’m wondering is, what are some of the best electric shavers/groomers out there?

It seems to be getting away from me really fast lately, which is extremely depressing, obviously, so I know I need to do something more.

Blah… help? <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

I was in the same boat as you. If you shave you will get a 5’oclock shadow then 4 and so on.
You’d be surprised at how inexpensive electrolysis can be.In Wa. you can get an apointment for as little as $15.00 Please check in your area you might be surprised at how little you might spend.
I’ve tried shaving, mitts, bleach, one touch,Lazer,plucking,Epil Stop, creams,Lotions,Nair,…you name it. I foun myself spending about 30 minutes a day working on my hair proublem. Now at the most I spend 30 minutes a week with Electrolysis.
Give it a try.
Free yourself!!
Also lots of Electrologists do free consults and some do a free “sample”. So what do you got to lose but your hair!!

Electrolysis is inexpensive only if you have a small amount of body hair. The more you have the longer and more painstaking the process is. It is not a cheap process and, in my opinion, not a good option for people with a lot of body hair…I am saving up as lasers continue to improve.