Severe scarring post electrolysis

Hello everyone!
I really need your opinion regarding the scars I’ve got post electrolysis and also reason I’m not seeing any effect after going for electrolysis regularly for 8 months now.
Sorry for long post ahead.
Here’s my story
I’m a 26 yr old Indian suffering from hirsutism and PCOS since last 10 yrs… I’ve had 16 sittings of laser 8 years back for a period of 2 yrs which resulted in paradoxical hair growth after 3 yrs of laser treatment.
I used to tweeze hair before I decided to go for electrolysis.
8 months back I started my journey of electrolysis…went every 15 days for 5 hrs without missing a single appointment.
For reference here’s my pictures of hair growth

I went there for 6 months she was using thermolysis… didn’t see any results so decided to go to a different place.
Found a place where they were using blend method first session was okay but after second session I had terrible swelling all over my face for 5 days and scabbing…also I noticed horrible scarring over my face on the treated areas… here’s the picture of post electrolysis scarring

I went to a dermatologist and she said these are icepick scars that are extremely difficult or rather impossible to treat.
Listening to this I’m completely devastated.
Please help and opine regarding scarring and whether I should continue electrolysis.

May I ask what country you received electrolysis in and what is the recommended training for practitioners there?

You have bad scarring. No more treatments in my opinion. Do what you can with a dermatologists advice.

I received electrolysis in India and from a clinic who claim to be a former member of American Association of Electrolysis.

The last photos after blend, how long after your 2nd treatment are these photos? You should definitely stop all treatments and allow this to continue healing. This type of over-treatment should never occur. Did you see any leaking fluids several days after it happened? How long did scabs last and how did you treat scabs?

I would urge you to be very careful with your comments about thermolysis. They are grossly untrue. In the hands of an unskilled, ill-trained, or self-trained practitioner, slow Blend, slower Galvanic or thermolysis may cause severe scarring. Hairtell reader please be aware of the above comments. They are false and are a disservice to the neophyte consumer. Thermolysis is a fabulous modality. We do not like the modality wars here on Hairtell. We respect ALL modalities under the umbrella of ‘Electrolysis’ and we respect all practitioners using their well-honed talents, hard earned talents to perform any or all them well. The person in India doing this does not embrace the tried and true principles of performing the electrolysis process with high skill. It is not the modality or the epilator used. It comes down to the human performing the modality and hopefully they have a brain.