Settings at Touchup on Apogee Elite

I have my free touchup session on Apogee Elite in 1 week. They want to keep my business, so I think they may let me choose the settings.

I was thinking about requesting 15 spot size, 5 ms pulse duration, and 20 joules. You think this is good? I don’t want to ask for too high on second session or else they may not do.

Those are decent settings. If the hair is coarse you may want to increase the pulse width some (maybe 10-20ms).

The hair is on the finer side but dark, so you think I should request the 5 ms pulse duration?


Had my makeup session today at Laser Away in San Francisco, so sorry I took so long to get back to guys about the settings. I have been really busy.

Anyways, I think the session went very well. The nurse gridded my long arms, and she did a very thorough job which I appreciate.

She used the maximum settings on me that they use at this facility, which was 15 mm spot size, 15 ms pulse width, and 18 joules. I think these are pretty good settings, and I think the results will be good.

Any reason they don’t go higher with the settings?

How was your skin reaction? Did you get good shedding?