How often should I get electrolysis for the following regions:
- Entire Breast
- Upper Abdomen
- Lower Abdomen
How often should I get electrolysis for the following regions:
These areas do not represent a great risk of overtreatment if you work on all existing hairs.
Therefore, if, for example, a first clearing takes 20 hours and it was virgin or untouched hair for at least 8 months, you could have 1 hour each day for 20 days in a row, or 2 hours for 10 days in a row, or 5 hours for 4 days in a row. Once a first clearing is done, wait 3 to 4 months, and the second clearing should take half the time, that is, about 10 hours that could be done in 2 days, or in 10 days in a row.