Seiko Cleancut Shaver & Ladyfair Trimmer

I’m just wondering if any of you have used these products to remove/trim hair. I’ve heard great testimonials about the products from different websites, but generally just how good they are on private parts. Have any of you used this products else where on your body? and if so what are your results? and how did the products work for you?

the site i know that sales these 2 products in combo is here :

I haven’t bought it yet thou, trying to see if anyone here has used them. So let me know your results, thanks

[ November 25, 2002, 10:33 PM: Message edited by: Semore ]

The Seiko Cleancut is currently being heavily promoted online for use “down there.” My guess is that the shave is not as close as one gets from other foil shavers, since the foil shape appears to be designed to avoid catching skin. The head is round and convex with squared holes, which means doing larger areas may take more time.

I’d go with a Braun or Panasonic for shaving other body areas.

Anyone wishing to discuss this device for use in private areas should start a new topic in the Mature Forum.

I’ll second what Andrea says about the Braun foil shavers.
