Jossie, be very careful in treating that client, be sure to have a second adult ( and probably a video camera) in the room any time your son (especially) or yourself is present with them. I wouldnt be speaking for Michael in this case, because of the criminal liabilities in this case. Helen is right. Michael appears perfectly capable of speaking for himself, and others.
I wasnt going to talk about this, and I’m still not going to hang around after to fill in details. That is for James to do if he so chooses, so far , he’s disinclined to do so and I agree with his reasoning as it is based on advice from legal counsel. I’m uncomfortable talking about this, because there are both civil and criminal liabilities at play here.Some people here feel they have a right to know however and having half the information out there for public consumption makes zero sense especially when a respected member of this board is having their reputation trashed.
I mentioned that there are some common aspects to both James version, and those of Electro-client. James has been very up front with me that his offices WERE in fact, a mess. In his view they were unsuitable for electro-client to stay there or recieve treatment there. This is not in dispute.He had not been in buffalo for over 6 weeks when he went there to treat electro-client, and there had been up to 11 people staying in the back apartment during this entire time. People had been moving belongings in and out of the back apartment through the front offices area during this time. This is why there were muddy footprints in the front office area.
When James got to buffalo the day before her treatment, he immediately called to germany to cancel. The client opted not to accept his offer of refund at this time and to attend anyway. James suggested putting the client in a hotel, and doing treatment there.I agree that given the circumstances it was the best thing he could have suggested.Electro-client had been made aware before she left germany that James ran a shelter for homeless people out of the offices of executive clearance and in fact, James has spoken about this dozens of times on this board where electro-client had contacted James as well as being informed of this directly.She was definitely aware of this before her booking, and before leaving germany for James offices., , and that often the homeless people were present when he performs treatment. This is not ideal, but I do believe that James was up front about this ( as he always has been).
When electro-client arrived in buffalo, James re-iterated that the offices were unsuitable and he should take her to a hotel, move his equipment there and treat her at the hotel. Electro-client declined and insisted she wanted to stay at the apartment and be treated at his offices. A refund was also offered, but electro-client declined.
Over the period of the next 4 days, electro-client continued to stay at James offices.At night she was constantly roaming the building and taking pictures of areas she wasnt supposed to be in ( like the private storage room/ office of James and a third bathroom in the back apartment which she was explicitly told to stay out of as it was under construction. it is this bathroom we have pictures of( the third of 3 in the building), the client bathroom in the front offices is NOT pictured) and she did so, at the behest of Michael Bono. Michael had been in contact with and guiding the actions of electro-client from the day she had arrived. In fact electro-client herself describes getting in contact with Michael prior to leaving germany and Michael himself admits to being in contact with her immediately.Again, this is NOT in dispute. But this is NOT why she isnt getting her money back, in fact James did offer to refund her deposit and that she should return to germany, or, at the very least move to a motel which was more suitable.Electro-client refused at every turn and insisted in staying at executive clearance, and being treated there.
I’m going to note here one thing that is specifically left out of electro-clients account. During the entire time electro-client was treated, there was ALWAYS at least one other female adult within eyesight of the treatment table. The mother of the children, or a babysitter, was present at all times and the treatment door was left open, on purpose . Electro-client had already demonstrated she could not be trusted to be left in the offices, without rummaging the entire office, and James had found her doing so multiple times… This is important, but the reason this is important wont become apparent until near the end of this.I will say, I’m most thankful he did NOT treat her at the hotel, not having a witness to everything might have been catastrophic for him.
On the fri/sat electroclient moved to a motel. She had arranged with James to work over the weekend ( something he didnt want to do as he had been away for 6 weeks and needed some time with his family). Regardless he put side his personal needs and agreed to move his equipment to the motel the next day and work over the weekend there.This didnt happen however. Electro-client suddenly could not be reached.James repeatedly called , and eventually attended at the hotel. The front desk informed him electro-client had been getting food up to the room she was staying in and was reportedly ill and had not left the room. James continued to attempt to reach her, either to continue treatment at the hotel or refund her money if she had become ill so she could return to germany, over several days, sat, sun, mon, tue and up until the following monday when she checked out of the hotel and returned to Germany.In all electroclient stayed at the hotel in buffalo all through the week, and until next monday, and James had left numerous messages with her phone, and with the hotel desk. He was not however able to reach her to either continue treatment or refund her money which he had again offered to do in messages to her. This is what electro-client means when she said she was “hiding from him”. Regardless James continued to attempt to contact her. Note this is NOT why she wont get her money back, despite the fact James could now no longer fill the time she had already paid for.James continued to attempt to reach electro-client for 6 weeks. During that time he had left numerous emails, phone messages and messages at the hotel, including offers to refund her money. NONE were returned.
3-4 weeks after James began to recieve correspondance, from places such as the New York Dept of public health, the AMA, and several other places. These indicated that complaints had been filed against him .He was STILL unable to get a response out of electro-client. In fact he got no communication from electro-client until 6 weeks after the treatment.
The communication he got was in the form of a “pay me now or I’m going to take these 8 actions” letter, a letter that there are copies of with the new york attourney general, James Lawyer, and James himself. The Pay me now amount was far in excess of what he had even been given for treatment in the first place, but this is not why a refund was not provided in the correct amount.Nor was the list of the first seven actions threatened against him , which included a threat to make reports to the board of health ( which had already taken place) a complaint to the New York attourney general ( which he had already recieved notice of) . in all 6 of the 8 threatened actions on this letter were known to have ALREADY taken place. This is NOT the reason electro-client didn’t recieve a refund ( which had already been offered multiple times).Nor is the reason the seventh item contained in this list, coming to hairtell to trash his reputation ( now also already done). Nope, it was the eighth threat and accusation that meant James had to consult with his legal counsel, who I would think immediately advised him to not pay her anything, and to break off all contact.I know if I was James counsel, it’s what I would have advised him to do.I’m not a lawyer however.
The eighth threat in this letter, was an accusation of sexual assault and that they planned to file criminal charges against him for sexual assault, and this is why it is important that there was a female adult present at all times during treatment and within eyesight of the treatment table. I do have the details regarding this falsified claim, but I WILL NOT talk about them, as this could hinder a criminal investigation.
Michael, I would remind you it is already known ( and by your own admittance) that you were involved advising electro-client before, during and since treatment, and I believe her rummaging and photographing of the offices was the result of this advice by you… I would think it inadviseable to do so, a falsified criminal report is a serious criminal offence, as is instigating , advising, or promoting someone else to do so which makes the third person an accomplice to such. Govern yourself accordingly, you do not have the advantage of being in a different country, and you are not immune to criminal prosecution if it is found that this assertion was at your behest. Stay the hell out of other professionals business. I would recommend you consult your own legal counsel and discuss this matter with them, as to what legal liability you may have for your actions.In the meantime, stay away from me I want nothing to do with you.
To electro-client, my first advice to you is the same as it is now. James is a reasonable man and I would think the sensible thing to have done would have been to communicate with him, not hide from him. You would have recieved your money back had you done this. You didnt. Your aim in coming to hairtell has nothing at all to do with getting your money back, and it is dishonest to say you are doing so because James refused to talk to you, when in fact it was YOU who declined to respond, and int he end falsified claims against him. This board is being used as a vehicle of revenge, you are being used readers.
Jossie, I mean it, have someone present whenever you treat this client.At least one falsified report has been made by her, and you are leaving yourself at significant risk by not doing so. I would also advise if you continue to treat this person, that you photograph every area both before and after treatment. James noted to me he had found considerable scarring on the areas he had worked on that were the result of previous treatment on her. Be careful she does not accuse you of causing this scarring.Protect yourself.
Michael, stay away from me.
Andrea is perfectly correct, in her statement, that you CANNOT believe everything you read here. Check everything, double check everything else and make your own decisions.If you are being told a tale, and are hearing only one side of things, I guarantee you dont know as much as you think you do about any situation.
There’s been a lot of discussion about my choice to return here to discuss this, and I suppose it’s only because of my own sense of fairness that I have done so, but I am truly disgusted at having this board used as a weapon. Dee, I dont think that when serious assertations are being made, and we are not given the whole story, that it is “middle school playground antics” to want clarifications. A respected electrologist who has given his all to this board and to society in general, was having his reputation trashed by someone unscrupulous and who was using this board as a weapon. That person was being assisted, and advised by, another electrologist on this board. It’s no different than commercial espionage in my opinion. I am disgusted by what I have learned, most especially that it involved one professional attempting to use surreptitious means to discredit a rival. I wont be posting here because I am seriously disconcerted by the behaviour of some here.I did feel however, that given the instigator in this case has had they say, that James reputation shouldnt be left to rot unfairly.
James has advised me he is currently in the process of purchasing a second building in buffalo and is busily gathering up the sum of 60000 dollars to do so. The purpose of this building is to house the homeless people he assists and move them OUT of the back of the offices of executive clearance and also to house group therapy sessions and a resource center for transgender people, who are the primary group he ends up dealing with in his shelter.James has been working 70 hour weeks for months to years, and actually , is making an effort to bring this down to at least 40 hours, as doing so has seriously affected his health.Even the “bad press” of this incident, hasnt made this happen , and his health has suffered from it. If electro-client thinks she is hurting his business, well, she isnt, if anything it’s helpping him accomplish this goal.
James has refunded money before, not even because he had to, but for no other reason than it would help out the person in question. He has no issue refunding amounts. To electro-client, I would urge you to do what I have told you to do all along, TALK to James rather than attack him, undo the damage you have already done and come clean, and I would think he would be more than happy to refund any money owing. Continue to use this board and other methods as a vehicle of extortion and make falsified criminal complaints and refusing to respond to his multiple messages to you, wont get you what you want.Claiming he refused to talk to you about it when you are ignoring him in order to curry favour to your side, wont get you what you want. I’m going to recommend that the two of you engage the services of a third party arbitarator if necessary to do so.
So there you have it. No, I have not been manipulated, though in my opinion the readers of this board have DEFINITELY been manipulated. James has not read this or the orifginating thread.