Seeing is believing ... but

Humans learn almost everything via their eyes. We see and “we believe.”

A few days ago, I posted a photo of a guy’s chest and people remarked that laser “thinned out” the area. It didn’t … but the photo DID look like it.

The camera “flashed” the photo and “washed out” the tiny hairs … “Presto” a thinned out chest. And, photos are just that: ONLY representations of reality. Photos are not reality.

Often a client will post a photo of some horrible post-treatment lesion and we all react. We must remember that the “thing” might not look like that at all in reality. Patients send me photos of their “whatever” and most of the time the photo puts their “hair” in a better light than it is in “the flesh.” (The tiny hairs manage to hide!)

Look at these two photos. Does one look like it shows a “thinning?” Actually, the photos were taken 1-second apart on the same person and the same spot. The only difference is that the first photo used “flash” and the second photo “no flash.” The second photo is also a bit out of focus and also shows different coloration. IT’S JUST A PHOTO!

Photos are not real life. Add to this that photos can be manipulated. Seeing is believing, but it’s not necessarily reality. I try hard to get my photos to represent what I’m seeing with my own eyes. However, you cannot EVER accomplish this. (Just a reminder.)

I don’t see any difference in density. Maybe a bit in color due to length.

I look in my 10X magnifying mirror , with my 3X reading glasses, and I see a chin and upper lip FULL of hair. No way any camera is going to pick it up, but I know it’s there. It’s been a long exhausting day of electrolysis, with many more to come.I have no idea how the pro’s finish a face in 70-150 hours. If I had to work from my experience, I would say it cant be done. But apparently it is possible, because they do it. Kudo’s.
