So my eyesight is my arch nemesis, in particular working with blonde hair ( reds can be a challenge too but blonde is by far the worst) . It blends in so well with the skin itself it makes following the pathfinder into the follicle a very challenging task indeed. I have a few ideas on this, but I’d like to get some feedback from some of the professionals on how they handle this.
Yes, I’m pretty sure James will mention a microscope, but that’s beyond my means.
One suggestion that has been made to me is using some cheap mascara to highlight the hairs. Now most mascara these days is hypoallergenic, so that gives me some hope, however I have serious concerns about this. I dont see how it would be possible to get into the follicle without contaminating the probe with mascara, probably staining the follicle in the process. This gives me reason to pause, but if anyone has done this safely and can comment I’d love to hear about it.
Another comment made to me at one point ( by Dee I think) had to do with the direction of lighting. This might give me more to work with but but would probably still make it tough.Suggestions on this are welcome.
The other thought I had was using the tweezers to slightly tent the hair.This seems like it could work though likely awkward.
I’m open to all comments and suggestions. It hasnt been a huge issue yet, but I’ve someone coming soon ( if she doesnt cancel at the last minute again) who’s almost completely blond.