Anyone know of a competent, skilled electrolygist in southeast Michigan that does microflash/picoflash electrolysis? I would even go as far as Toledo? Thanks!
hello? anyone? thanks for nothing!
If consumers are not willing to take the time to share their level of satisfaction with information about the electrologist(s) that they saw in their community, then the question won’t be answered.
Use the private message feature of hairtell and re-ask Michgirl this question. She did see at least one, maybe two electrologists in your area.
This is on our pet peeve list right up there with “No Location in Profile.” (if your location is in the profile, it frequently spurs someone IN YOUR AREA to answer you for no reason other than they are actually IN YOUR AREA. It also makes knowing your area possible without tracing back all your posts to the ONE where you say where you are.)
Simply put, people are not willing to give back, by talking about their own experience, or at the very least, posting a good word for the good electrologist that they found in their area.
Everyone here seems to want Andrea, Dee, LAgirl and myself to go on tour of the world seeking out hair removal practitioners, and reporting back here… Which we would gladly do if the money was right
Sadly, no one is contributing to that cause either. :whistle:
Its frustrating that people are not willing to post feedback about good and bad practitioners…or at least the good ones. Myself, I have found many sub-par electrologists near Cleveland, Ohio but I am extremely pleased with my “electrologist fairy”, as I call her, in Columbus and she is a top 10 contributer on this forum so I’m sure you can figure out who!! I have been seeing her since December of 2007 for most of my face, chin and neck and I am seeing progress for sure. I have a lot of blonde fine hairs that other practioners have not seen or passed over and my electrologist fairy is the only one who pays them heed and does her best to get the hairs that I WANT REMOVED regardless of her own personal opinion on whether they are offensive or not. This means so much to me because I am the paying customer and I am the one who is so badly affected by this excess hair emotionally and physically and she really empathizes , which I think is so important.
I have had practitioners in the past who would only get the dark hairs b/c they personally didnt think treating the blonde hairs was that important. I even had one lady say to me “don’t worry about the blonde hairs. At least you don’t have a full man’s beard like some of my clients” How was this supposed to make me feel? Better? I mean I know it can always be worse but this is not what a new client wants to hear and it is anything but comforting or reassuring. I used to cry in the parkinglot outside her office after treatment seeing all those blonde hairs still there in the rear-view mirror.
Its amazing to me how many electrologists are not compassionate or empathetic. Some are even downright harsh. It seems to me they should choose a different line of work because many people they treat are in fragile states of mind and deeple affected emotionally by this extra hair growth. Some people just don’t have it in em I guess.
Regarding the practitioners who want to THEMSELVES choose which hairs on their clients are offensive- I would compare that to going to a hairstylist asking for a long style and an auburn color job and walking out with short blonde hair because the stylist thought that would look better! I just don’t get it. Especially with the amount of money we spend on electrolysis. I have never felt so comfortable with someone as I do in Columbus. The only problem is that I don’t plan on living in Ohio forever and I worry i will never find anyone as good. My face has such great reactions with her and we are getting alot of difficult to treat without hurting the skin, fine hairs.Its tuff on me that she is so far from me as it is as well.
I would honestly somewhat revolve my place of living around a good electrologist. I know that sounds silly but it is THAT important to me. That is why I wish we could hear from skilled practitioners all over the country. I don’t want to dog on Ohio but I’m from Oregon and I’m used to a little bit more beauty!! Just for fun too I’d love to see someone good in Chicago and D.C. and Portland, Oregon or Washington state! Can you tell which places I’d consider living?! Ok now I’m just rambling but my point is that I wish someone really would pay Dee and James and LAgirl to check out the nation’s practitioners or even the world’s (I love to travel):). I also wish more practitioners would visit this site and learn from it and update their out-dated machines and crappy lighting and vision equipment and then TELL US WHERE THEY ARE LOCATED!! It is so irritating that the woman 5 minutes for me has a crappy old epilator and bad lighting and vision equip and she charges $10 more than my practitioner almost 3 hours away from me with awesome equipment all around.It seems pompous and greedy for someone to not spend a dime on updating her equipment and then have the gall to raise her price $10 all of the sudden since I met her a few months ago. I mean if she got an apilus machine and learned how to use it well and got better lighting and vision equipment I would be happy to pay more money.I could invets the same money I’m spending on gas to Columbus to pay a higher fee for sure. Someone like James who has billion dollar vision equipment, sweet lighting and skilled on an awesome new machine deserves to be paid more than that lady down my street with the Hinkel from 1945. Its just common sense, common courtesy, and good business. I take offense to the people that don’t learn or accept new ideas and dont update and selfishly rake in $80 an hour for ripping up someone’s skin. Ok my rant is over.
It is up to us as the consumers to help each other out. That is what this forum is for. Please speak up and spend 5 minutes to write a review. So many of us have time to write a long thread full of complaints but then those same people can’t find the time or the effort to devote to posting their experiences. Kudos to all those who do write about their journeys. I am certainly not forgetting about you. Thanks be to you and to those in the future who decide that its worth it to contribute. Think of it as your good deed for the day or the week or the month or the year- Just do it! Just share.
Good job Dee
If it helps, I think there is at least one and often more great electrologists in most metropolitan areas since there are usually so many to choose from. So if you’re moving to a relatively big city like Chicago, DC, or LA, you won’t really have a problem finding someone good. I had to check out 4 in LA, and have found 2 great ones and 1 ok. And there are dozens more. I was very picky about someone who took credit cards and used the newest epilators.
Mich_girl, did you follow our tips in “how to find an electrologist” sticky thread? Even I had to check out several electrologists before finding who I thought was best. A recommendation is good, but most of us have to do some searching. Don’t be put off by that. You can easily get a list of electrologists in your area given the methods we provide and at least call all of them to see who uses microflash or picoflash. That will help you narrow them down. Then get short sample treatments, which are often free. You really need to see for yourself who you feel comfortable with.
If I may take off my white hat, hop off the white horse, and climb down from the pedistal and put on the black hat of the devil’s advocate, I think there are a few things that may be helpful here.
A first treatment with someone is an ordeal. The industry line is: The first time is always the worst time – And then you have to convince them to come back!
The practitioner has to bridge the distance between what you want, what you present with, and what is possible. Sometimes what you say doesn’t convey what you want, and other times what you want can only be obtained by a long term program.
We have to do what is most prudent for that first treatment, and hope that we get the chance to continue to the logical conclusion. Most of the time, the client wants to see a miricle in 30 minutes or less and we can only disappoint them in their expectations. We spend the entire time attempting to “talk them down” so to speak.
Sometimes a client wants something that is far outside the scope of the norm, and if one is capable of providing that, it is ok to go on and make the money for doing it, but the process to get there may not be as direct as the client wishes. We must first do what everyone would agree on, followed by the more controversial work. On top of this, there is the problem of spacing one’s work.
If I were to put the scope on high, and eliminate every last whisp of a hair that I can see, I would be treating at least a hundred hairs per centimeter on the average woman. Out of this, there may only be 5 hairs or less that anyone would ever find worhty of comment.
Should I spend an hour and get 3 to 7 square inches done, while leaving the person so uneven in their looks that it is now noticeable, or do I remove the hairs in levels so that she is always looking even? She may want one, but the responsible approach is the other.
As an example, Michael Jackson went to several doctors looking to get YET ANOTHER nose job. Most turned him away, either because he had so little cartilage left, or because they objected to the work he wanted done. Finally, he found someone to give him the nose he was at that time asking for. We all know what he looked like during those trials. I think most of us agree with the doctor who refused his request for Walt Disney’s Peter Pan’s Nose by saying, “But you would not look like a human then.”
We don’t always say the right thing, at the right time, but we do try to communicate well. Unfortunately, one never gets a second chance to make a first impression.
Touché with the MJ reference James. I suppose its a lot of pressure to try and perfectly fulfill every clients wishes and obviously some ppl may be oversensitive about hairs that arent so noticable. I would much prefer to have an even amount taken out in different areas verses a 3 inch hole of smooth hair-free skin in the middle of my face of course. I honestly believe that a fair amount of hair looks good and natural on a woman’s face.
The part that makes me feel so comfortable with my practitioner is that she is not intimidating and encourages me to look in the mirror near the end of the session to show her any hairs missed that I feel still need getting at. At that point I become realistic as well since I’m usually at 4 or 5 hours of treatment on my face and neck and I am becoming overly sensitive to the pain- so it really has to be worth it to me! She usually ends up saying “I think you’ve had enough for today” and I’m like “ok just 5 more minutes and I’m really done”. My point is that we have a great mutual client/practitioner relationship where my opinion is heard and valued and she offers hers as well but ultimately she is concerned for me and not just the bottom line and making a buck.
I now just re-read my post and it seemed a bit harsh towards practitioner in general. My quote “Its amazing to me how many electrologists are not compassionate or empathetic” may have been unfair. Let me rephrase: I was amazed at how many of the electrologists I have met or spoken with who were not empathetic or compassionate.I have only seen 6 or 7 electrologists in my life so I’m certainly not trying to generalize an opinion about the majority of practitioners. Some of the ones I have seen, though, were signicantly intimidating and I didn’t feel comfortable speaking up when in their office. I have spoken with at least 10 more electrologists over the phone who didn’t have updated machines or vision/lighting equipment and many didn’t even know what microflash was. I find that irritating and disappointing. My opinion is simply based on the practitioners I have dealt with in one way or another, in person or over the phone in addition to what I have read on this forum.
To the origunal poster, Jill B, try this person:
Hairs Off Skin Care Studio
Dorothy Kyser
6473 Farmington Rd (Just north of 15 mile)
West Bloomfield, MI 48322
(248) 865-0825
Respondent Comments: Dorothy is a personal friend of mine and a total sweetheart. She has never hurt me or scarred me in the last 3 years she’s been working on my face.
Respondent Comments: I love her, she has become a friend and supporter.
Respondent Comments: Absolutely wonderful woman. Works out of her home. Respects your privacy 100%. A real, true friend.[2 TG ref., 11 Nov 2002]
Respondent comment: She is great, personable, and has the best technique I have ever encountered. Simply amazing. After being tortured by a hack for 2 months, I am lucky to have found her. [2003]
Respondent Comments: I would highly recomend her overall I think she is the best
Hi dee,
I was wondering where you got those respondent comments for Dorothy Kyser. I am now considering going to her…