Scientific article about electrolysis!

I guess you pro’s would find this one interesting.
I found this one on the net, talking about the bulb being an important part of the follicle to attack

The discovery of the role exerted by cells in the bulge area has been very important for science, however, long before scientists put name to that key region of the follicle, electrologist managed to irreversible hair removal.

At first they spoke of the need to destroy only the dermal papilla. Later, it was necessary, the area of the bulb. Next, it was found to destroy the bulge area. The latest news is that the target tissue, including the isthmus (area between the erector pili muscle and the insertion of the sebaceous gland).

Meanwhile, in the 40s, Rita Hayworth transformed her face from a Latino into an Anglo-Saxon look for the rest of her life, thanks to the skill of the electrologist and not a scientific theory.

All electrologists know this information, toeman (or am I being too generous with that information?), but thanks for providing this for all to review again. Clement is the head honcho at Dectro International.

Yes Dee, I think you’re being very optimistic. :wink:

Well that is too bad for her…I think the latino look on women is the best!!

I will not be me (one Spanish), who question your good taste in women, Toeman. :wink:

I forgot to thank you for delighting us with this wonderful article. Thanks

You’re welcome :slight_smile:

Ow yes, I have quite a good taste, if I may say so haha :wink:

Toeman, the discovery of the role of the bulge area was crucial to demonstrate that one of the most entrenched assumptions in the electrolysis was false. This hypothesis was that if the folicle was treated in telogen (when there is no bulb), the elimination is not possible.

This belief did not make sense for professionals (like me) who obtained excellent results without considering this recommendation and worked mostly in telogen.

If we act in anagen, it is necessary to remove, papilla, bulb, bulge, and part of the isthmus.

Whereas if we act in telogen, is necessary, papilla, bulge and part of the isthmus.

Any scientific advancement that comes to show that a theory is false will be welcome … although for many of us in practice this is unnecessary.

When Galvanic was done, the entire follicle was treated and information about a bulge was not necessary.

It is the administration of thermolysis that makes the bulge an issue which has led many electrologists to develop various techniques that have made electrolysis fascinating as creativity abounds.

Thanks for the clarification Arlene. It is a pleasure to find people you can talk about this.

Before starting work on Flash, Slow thermolysis was our only option. We made it faster by giving a slight upward and downward. In doing so we made sure that the hair was removed. We had not even ever heard of the Bulge and its important role in hair cycle dynamics.

As long as the lower 2/3 of the follicle is effectively treated, its up to the practitioner to develop the skill and understanding of the equipment at hand to use the science and administrate the craft/art.

Your technique is one of so many. Speak to 100 old timers and you will have about 10,000 techniques.

Speak to a newbie and they are often afraid to venture outside of what they have learned which often the case, is very limited. Attrition in electrolysis is very high as too many do not understand enough to venture out of the limitations of what they have learned in their very limited formal education.

Arlene, is true that this desertion in the electrolysis is high. But also it is true that for many persons, us the electrologists we represent the last hope that they still have to end with his problem of not wished hair.
There is because of it that we invest a lot of our free time to contribute some information that to these persons is useful. Often I have tried to leave in this fight cross-current, but I think at the time about all the women that they suffer hirsutism and how the life changes them to them with our help.
In my country, 10 years ago, few people knew of the existence of the electrolysis. Today, thanks to Internet, they know that there exists a method more effective than the laser or IPL. The people know that thanks to the electrolysis, applied well, there is no limitation as for color of the hair or of the skin.

If you say that the formation(training) there is not sufficient, imagine how it will be here in Spain. At least you take many advantage to us in years of good practice.

You deliver your message in the voice of a poet.

Yes, we are the last resort for not only women but all people.

Our work is so highly labor intensive and time consuming. I don’t know how many businesses can survive in my city when the maximum amount of money that can be generated for one hour is $75. Sometimes I feel like just going with the flow and bringing in a laser. I wonder if its hard to maintain integrity when an IPL or Laser for hair removal comes into an office.

“Many(people) go towards the truth for the ways of the poetry. I come to the poetry, for the ways of the truth.”
Autor: Petrus Jacobus Joubert

Neither you nor I can imagine how a situation of failure is confronted before the expectations of the client.
Therefore will never change a diamond into a chunk of crystal, although much shine this crystal.

Wink. Takes one to know one.

Hi Arlene:

My electrologist does both laser and electrolyis.

In fact I went to her for laser first,
then realized it wasn’t going to give me what I needed
as far as complet facial hair removal.

I don’t know if anyone saw Dr. Oz yesterday,
but he never mentioned electrolysis and had a
laser tech demonstrating a laser treatment.

She said that 6 treatments would remove the womans facial
hair permanently, but I know from experience
that’s not true for all of the hair or the permanancy.

If you did have laser in your office it could mean
more traffic and clients in need of either type of
hair removal, or laser followed by cleanup with electroysis.

Since you did mention Rita Hayworth and how she looked different after raising her hairline by electrolysis. I like to point out that ever since I’ve been getting electrolysis on my sideburns and have removed them partially. I’ve looked very different; people have mistaken me for white girl rather than a Middle Eastern one. I never knew hair makes such a difference regarding race. I really don’t mind it as long as people don’t notice the excessive hair on my face. I actually been thinking about doing my hairline too but I’m not sure how to go about it. What’s the difference between different race hairlines??? Mine is approximately an inch above my eyebrows in a straight line, but with a lot of baby hair that falls on my forehead or sticks up as I have really frizzy thick hair.

The comment mentioning race reminded me to mention that we are all one race. The idea of race is not based in science. However, some of us produce more pigment than others. I hope that we remember that the concept of race was developed by those who were racist and not developed by biologists. Thank you.

Race is an arbitrary classification system. It seeks to catalogue differences in people, and give names to the people who fall into the arbitrary classifications set up in this system. As such, there are certain people, who are catalogued in a certain way who tend to have a small amount of forehead exposed, due to having more hair growing on the scalp, especially the females of the variety. Reconfigure, and, or reduce the outer edge hairline and one tends to appear to fit a different classification in the arbitrary system known as race.

If Roma18 or anyone else wants to contemplate such a restructuring, it would be best to look at pictures of people who have the types of hairlines you are thinking about, and then, if you can find one of those fashion morph programs, have it photoshop a picture of you into one that has that hairline, in order to get a preview of what you would look like with that hair line.

I will add this on the idea of race. If you look at house cats, they seem to be so different. If one were thinking of “races” of house cats, there would seem to be hundreds. However, all cats have the tabby gene, and therefore have nothing but cosmetic differences in most cases. A Canadian hairless/sphinx, Siamese, and calico cat would all go to the same doctor.

In Spain there exists an absurd based belief in the fact that if a person has forehead small, it means that(he,she) does not possess many intelligence.

My first masculine client was a young man who was trying to devote to the diplomatic career, for this reason, he his forehead wanted to extend a couple of centimeters.
The curious thing of all that is this boy obtained the qualification Cum laude of his promotion.

Thanks to the electrolysis, his desire was fulfilled and though he only remained in notary, he is a great ambassador of the Electrolysis…like the famous Rita