
i tend to scar easily, am prone to ingrowns and i epilate my pubic hair, so i have a pubic area that is very discolored from blemishes and scars. i use tend skin to try and eliminate the ingrowns, although they still occur and are bad ingrowns that are large painful lumps. i am going to apply it more often to hope it will work better on my ingrowns, but i need to do something about the blemishing and scarring. is there anything that i can use with tend skin that will help treat it, and if not, is there anything else out there i can use for the ingrowns that doesn’t have contraindications with something i can use for the scars?

i exfoliate my pubic area when i shower to help it not get so ingrown and to feel smoother. is it possible that this could be a cause of the blemishing and scarring as well?

You will continue to have blemishes and ingrowns as long as you are tweezing, epilating, waxing, etc. The skin will heal and the hyperpigmentation will fade only when you permanently remove the hair with electrolysis. When you permanently eliminate the hair, you get rid of the irritant.
If you are not inclined to treat this area permanently, then all you can do is keep exfoliating and using Tend Skin.
A perscription strength hydroquinine, or buying a brand with the ingredient kolic in it may be helpful. Some people swear by good ald lemon juice to aid and fade darker spots.


does the hyperpigmentation also fade away when you do laser hair removal?

Yes, usually. Maybe there are some laser clients that can expand on your question, though.


laser will be a lifesaver for you. i had similar issues and they’re gone now. and yes, once you start laser treatments, the pigmentation will fade as you won’t be picking the area anymore to dig out ingrowns etc.

OH! If you go through with the laser treatment you may have some dead hair follicles stuck under your skin for a few weeks between treatments (similar to ingrowns) DO NOT PICK AT THEM- I ended up with more blemishes and scars from that then I ever did from shaving

From my experience, the hyperpigmentation does go away once the laser hair removal process is completed.

Hydroquinone is a great option to treat the hyperpigmentation if laser hair removal is not something you are interested in doing. However, be aware if you are a person of color, your skin will not lighten evenly but gradually, giving a mottled appearance. So, this may not be the best option if this area will be exposed while you are using the product.