Short version: your “dent” will resolve completely and you will be unable to find it. 100% GONE!
Long version: The electrolysis treatment zapped-out a tiny space in the dermis and epidermis and a crust formed over the so-called “dead spot.” Think of the crust as a “clean cap” to protect the healing skin underneath. (The crust formed from blood elements that oozed out into the wound.)
Within hours the dermis started healing (complicated procedure here). And, atop the dermis the thin layer of skin (called the epidermis: or “above the dermis”) started its amazing trek to bridge the wound gap. However, the crust was in the way of the migrating cells; like a roadblock!
So, the epidermal cells, around the crust, flattened-out and burrowed UNDER the crust. (To get under the crust, the epidermal cells produced a digestive enzyme and dissolved its way in, under the crust.) As soon as the wound gap was bridged, the crust fell off.
Now, you were left with what looks like a “dent.” Well, it is … but not for long!
The little spot of flat cells now start their miracle of regeneration: they get nice and fat and then completely rebuild ALL the layers of the original epidermis. All the layers are created from one single-layer of flat epidermal cells! (By the way, the dent looks “red” because you can see down, through the thin cells, and see the blood vessels underneath.)
Final story? You won’t see anything when the healing is finished. The “dent” will be gone. If you want to use a little moisturizer that’s fine … but at this point you don’t have to do anything (except don’t get too much sun on it.)
Now, aren’t you sorry you asked?
I find miracles in even the smallest of things … and, this is one of them!