I’m receiving electrolysis treatment on my face, but also have some old acne scars as well light scarring from electrolysis overtreatment a while back (I’ve found a new technician and my skin is much happier now). I would like to start taking a stab at treating the scarring with silicone scar gel (i.e. this) and am wondering whether it is a good idea do be doing during electrolysis. As far as I can tell, the gel primarily focuses on moisturizing/protecting the skin, and isn’t doing anything harsh to peel away at the skin. I’d definitely avoid treated areas for a few days before/after treatment just to be safe, but even still - is this all right to be doing while receiving treatment?
Using silicone gel won’t cause any harm, but I also don’t think you’ll get any benefit in this case. If you have old acne scars, silicone gel or pads will provide limited benefit at that point. You need to look into medical options like subcision, microneedling, lasers etc. You can find the right treatment plan with a cosmetic dermatologist, but I would wait until you’ve finished your electrolysis treatments.
It would help to see an image of your scarring, but I suspect that the electrolysis related scarring is more likely temporary skin reactions like hyperpigmentation and uneven skin texture and would also not require silicone gel nor a medical intervention.