Scabs healing too fast?

After my electrolysis treatments I normally tend to have a fair amount of scabbing and was recommended a product called sudocream to use after treatment. I’m not sure if it’s available in the United States, but it’s used as a barrier cream will keep your skin oily and moist and also has a high zinc oxide content It can also be used for burns, sunburn and nappy rash amongst other things.

After my appointment on friday I’ve been applying this to my upper lip 3 times a day, just patting it on as it’s quite thick in texture. I’ve noticed that it seems to be drying up the scabs and they seem to be falling off alot faster than if I just applied a normal moisturizer. They’re falling off two days after treatment. I’m just concerned that if my scabs fall off faster then the skin underneath may not have had time to heal? I never pick or rub the scabs and just splash my face with cool water. Any advice?

If you have scabs I would not continue with your electrologist she/he is obviously burning your skin.

that’s not true. scabbing is normal. depends on skin sensitivity and what area is being treated, not always the electrologist. it’s nothing to be worried about.

if the skin underneath the scab that fell off is healed, i wouldn’t worry.

Yes, there are more than a few reasons a person could get scabs that have nothing to do with electrologist error.

Hi Still,

You indicated the following regarding your scabs: “They’re falling off two days after treatment”.

I was wondering – if you see the scabs fall off only 2 days after treatment – when do your scabs first appear?

Thank you.

Hi Still,

You indicated the following regarding your scabs: “They’re falling off two days after treatment”.

I was wondering – if you see the scabs fall off only 2 days after treatment – when do your scabs first appear?

Thank you.

Hi Arlene. The scabs develop the day after my electrolysis appointment and fall off two days after they appear. Sorry if I didn’t make that clear. I’ll always get scabs the next day after an appointment.

hhmmmmm? Usually, IF one scabs, they are noticable in 48 hours and they don’t usually slough off that fast. It takes about a week or a little longer depending???

I wonder if I’m understanding this well enough? I’ll need to give this some more thought.

Any burn treatment would accelerate healing from electrolysis treatments. That is why we advise folks to use things like Aloe and Melaluca/Tea Tree Oil.

hhmmmmm? Usually, IF one scabs, they are noticable in 48 hours and they don’t usually slough off that fast. It takes about a week or a little longer depending???

I wonder if I’m understanding this well enough? I’ll need to give this some more thought.

Really? I always notice scabs the day after treatment. If for example I have an appointment on monday afternoon when I wake up on the Tuesday I’ll notice the scabs then.

Any burn treatment would accelerate healing from electrolysis treatments. That is why we advise folks to use things like Aloe and Melaluca/Tea Tree Oil.

Sorry, are you saying the Sudocream is okay to use? I’m not sure if that’s what you’re saying. Thanks

It IS ok to use.

Thanks James!