Money-saving suggestions
Here are some easy ways to get the most for your money when seeking the services of a hair removal pro:
Show up on time
Write down your appointment time and date, especially if you don’t have a standing appointment. It’s easy to forget. You may be charged for the session anyway if you forget or blow it off. If you’re late, you are paying the same amount for less treatment. If you can’t make it, call as soon as you know. If they can reschedule the time, you might not be charged. Plus, you won’t get a reputation as a no-show client. Clients who skip sessions tend to get low priority when scheduling problems come up. If you do it enough, they may not even work on you any more.
If you show up early you might be able to start early and get additional treatment time for the same price, or at the very least be on your way sooner. I’ve listed this tip first, because it’s the most common way people waste money. In fact, you’d be amazed how many people can’t get their act together enough to come in regularly. Don’t just blow off an appointment, and don’t be late. You’re only hurting yourself.
Buy a block of time in advance
This is a common practice that can save you money in the long run. Some places have different size blocks of time you can buy, and the larger the block, the bigger the discount. Buying a block means you have to plan very carefully, though. You have to save up for the first one, and if you plan to buy additional ones, you have to save up for the next one. You must set aside money from each paycheck, though, as if you were paying per treatment. It’s nice to go in without needing to bring a check or a lot of cash every time, and since I don’t have the money in hand, I’m not tempted to spend it on something less important. Remember, be sure to get a receipt for a block showing how many hours you paid for, especially if you are paying in cash.
Just do the thick terminal hairs
If you can’t afford to get all of them at once, you can just get the noticeable hairs and trim the long, fine ones with scissors or a beard trimmer (better not to pluck if you want to remove them permanently later). Some people eventually decide they won’t even bother removing the thin ones.
Shave between treatments
As many as 30% of your hairs are not growing at any given time, and these hairs don’t respond as well to electrolysis or laser. By shaving between sessions, you’re only treating the growing hairs that are treatable. Shave according to your practitioner’s instructions. An electrologist needs the hair out to determine its angle and to grasp it with forceps. If it’s too short, they spend more time trying to find the hairs than treating them. Some can get by with 12 hours or less, some can’t shave within 48 hours before treatment. On the other hand, a laser place may want you to shave right before treatment. Ask your practitioner.
Go to a training school
Having students do your face can save a lot of money, but you get what you pay for-- in this case inexperienced people using you as a guinea pig.
Do it yourself
I include this suggestion, but I can’t personally recommend it. Read the section on do-it-yourself electrolysis.
Do you have a marketable skill you could exchange for treatment? Some enterprising people have done handiwork like shampooing their practitioner’s carpets or making small repairs at their office or home. Some do painting and yardwork for them. Some have designed print ads or web pages. Some offer to do the books, take appointments or clean the offices at night. Someone I know took photos at my electrologist’s wedding in exchange for treatment time, and another gives her a ride home to get a price break. You are only limited by your imagination and motivation.