Safe to do laser on area that was treated with electrolysis

Hey Everyone,

A little backstory, I am a trans woman that has done 14 laser treatments on my face while simultaneously treating white facial hair with electrolysis. Laser has been working well and I had reduced about 90% of my facial hair. Unfortunately around the chin and mouth is stubborn so I had dense patches of hair. I switched to hitting those black hairs with electrolysis about 2 months ago to reduce as much before my big facial surgery came up since I had to stop all hair removal a month before and could resume laser hair removal 1 month after surgery and electrolysis in 3 months.

So now I’m post op and can treat my face with 2 laser sessions before I get back to the electrolysis in 3 months but my electrolysis tech said to not touch those areas we did with the laser as it could cause more hair growth. I feel like this is not a real issue, I know laser can induce hair growth but I’ve never had that happen to me, but I just wanted some insight from other electrolysis techs.

I feel like my tech is a bit overly critical of laser even though its worked for me, so not sure if it’s her bias or an actual issue hitting those areas with laser now after having done an electrolysis pass. I am extremely dysphoric about my facial hair and wish I could get back to electrolysis sooner as I’ve started hitting diminishing returns on laser, but 2 more sessions will definitely reduce more hair and I don’t want to waste the opportunity. Thanks for any insight!

paradoxal hypertichosis ( hair growth stimulated by laser) is in fact a thing. That said, if you’ve had several laser sessions already and this did not happen, you may not be susceptable to it. IT’s more likely to affect thse with olive complexions than it is the pasty white. . If you have had laser before without this complication I would not be concerned.

Thank you for the response!